We eatin tomorrow

We eatin tomorrow

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>We eatin cum tomorrow

Apple glasses incoming don't @ me

we eatin now

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i just want a nice mac mini

Are new ipads good? I want a large pro one. :>

The M1 is nice. It totally mogs all x86 mini pc's out there. Just don't expect to gayme on it. it's not for that. That's what every zoomer youtuber doesn't get. they judge literally everything's performance based on how many games it plays. sad.

lol, spit out my water

i just want tendies :

It's already out. The M1 Mac Mini is basically the perfect desktop computer if you are not a gaymer.

are the 10GBASE-T ones in stock yet

M2 Macbook Air fucking when?

Shift + Click to hide thread.

I expect September-december this year
hopefully its based on A16 3nm if not then its not worth the upgrade over the M1 even if there's a new design and stuff

wrong board currynigger

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Want to get a MacBook for webdev, should I wait for refresh or just get one now

>We eatin tomorrow
Eatin man ass

whatever happened to the airpods pro 2? they had been rumored for a while and nothing the last 2 weeks

Just bought an iPad and an Apple pencil. I've never used an Apple product in my life.

What am I in for?

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AIDS and anal bleeding

i want to kiss her

>>We eatin cum tomorrow

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stop consuming and getting excited for the next product and enjoy the current product.

Looking forward to the iPad Air 5 update, I'm trying to decide between that one and the Pros for illustration

I don't have current product though

yeah its getting a broken macbook pro and just using it with an external display