GTK File Picker

This ruins linux wholesale, no thumbnails or QOL options, and electron apps like Siscord default to this garbage in KDE. Why is there no option to force use of native file managers like Dolphin?

Attached: yZLlX.png (1366x768, 127.05K)

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Further, who the FUCK wants to sift through filenames manually to find what you want unless you rename each file autistically? Previews =/= Thumbnails, it's not enough.

GNOME Toolkit has been a disaster for the OS, and has subjected users to inconvenience.

Attached: Rodney_Mullen_%28THUG%29.jpg (250x250, 14.39K)

Flatpak doesn't have this problem

Attached: 537px-Filepicker-new.png (537x599, 180.68K)

Attached: 1629872559927.jpg (1472x1984, 346.64K)

I actually prefer the GTK filepicker it's easier to search for files compared to the KDE one.

why not just use gnome?

it's actually GIMP Toolkit

Attached: gtk.png (746x206, 44.64K)

>Why is there no option to force use of native file managers like Dolphin?
It's a dbus setting

Install KDE.
Gnome is worthless bloat anyways.

gnu's not unix image manipulation program toolkit

Holy shit saved, user. Thought I was alone on this

gnu's not unix network object model environment partition editor

I'm on Arch KDE but certain apps are hard coded to use this bullshit file picker. Is there any workaround?

I see. GNOME is butt ugly so I assumed it was part of the family.

GTK and GNOME are fucking jokes.

Attached: kde-file-picker-thumbnails-and-preview-2.png (905x555, 157.09K)

Damn. That actually looks usable.

There is for firefox.
Dunno or care about others.

>There is for firefox.

goes into your ~/.profile

Ok perfect. Will this work for Discord aswell?

Inb4. furfag pedo

this is discord's fault and using discord outside of web browser is yours

its so fucking sad and funny. remember this when i was young in my early 20s. i am an old man now in mids 30s

btw here's me using kde filepicker on a window manager, works for both firefox and chromium

Attached: 2022-03-07_22:49:42-363407727.png (1323x715, 364.41K)