Why is there not a single funtional distro?

They're all either "bleeding edge" with daily updates making things break randomly, or "stable" where every program is fucking 2 years out of date.

"snap" bullshit that makes everything slow, and made by some shitty corporation that's trying the exploit you
maintained by ameteurs that have no idea what the fuck they're doing, and it's a distro based on a distro based on a distro
server os and everything is 2 years outdated
you have to compile everything yourself
free red hat beta testing
meme distro, bleeding edge bullshit, have fun fixing your drivers every 2 weeks
arch but bloated and even more buggy

The absolute state of freetards. inb4 "use my magic noname shitty meme distro that was invented yesterday!!!"

Attached: Linux-Distros.png (761x392, 33.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Here to be that guy and point out that ur only beef with Gentoo seems to be compile time. Otherwise its exactly what u seem to want unless ur too much of a tard to skim documentation once and have the process downpat for the rest of ur life

Attached: Tulane_Green_Wave_logo.svg.png (1920x1382, 231.66K)

NixOS doesn't have these problems
>noname shitty meme distro that was invented yesterday
It has the largest package repo and was created in 2003 :-)

Debian is only 1 year outdated and you can get newer versions from backports or flatpak, but guess what? you don't fucking need newest version, version from year ago works just fine.
Stop being dopamine fried updooter
t. Debian Chad

Ubuntu is comfy. Just don't use snaps lol.

How do you get SecureBoot working in NixOS?

>maintained by ameteurs that have no idea what the fuck they're doing
They must have some idea what they're doing because it's been going strong for 15 years and has been the best desktop experience OOTB by a significant margin ever since Ubuntu abandoned Unity.
>server os
not a criticism.
>bleeding edge bullshit, have fun fixing your drivers every 2 weeks
FUD. The default repos are stable and pacman hasn't overwritten configs without asking in several years.
Literally every single core nix dev, and the one person I know who uses it, are trannies

>Just don't use snaps lol.
Should we tell him?

you may as well be asking a tranny to not dye its hair OP

>free red hat beta testing
Yet it's still the best distro. Funny how that works.

Attached: neofetch.png (1117x893, 142.08K)

>arch packages are too recent
>debian packages are too old

fuck you

>>free red hat beta testing
BULLSHIT. I have been running Fedora on my laptop since version 28... It hasn't crashed... EVER.

Install Fedora.

>free red hat beta testing
You know you get like 30 free RHEL licenses for personal use per person, right?


Also, GNU Guix doesn't have these problems as well.

Attached: nix-guix-cirno-suika.jpg (559x320, 138.64K)

guix doesn't support intel microcode and google chrome right?

>you have to compile everything yourself
kek, that's the best criticism you could think of? so it really is the best distro huh

You can use the nonguix channel for this purpose.
Also, there's the nonguix installation guide:

Attached: GNU Guix.png (1200x1360, 298.27K)

Thanks. What about GUIX devs cucking on RMS?

im using xubuntu and it feels pretty functional to me man

Have fun compiling chromium for a day.

See pic related.

Attached: rms email about guix.png (1206x861, 123.31K)

sorry, i use brave-bin. try again.

That's useful. I'll give it a spin a VM.
Is there SecureBoot support in nonguix?

Fedora has always been the best. Ubuntu was a close second but is forever tainted with that horrific name. Fedora isn't much better.

> Fedora
Best user experience. Best as a workstation for work.

> openSUSE
Piggy backs off of Fedora. Not sure why you would use this distro unless you like bloat

> Ubuntu
Good, has had packaging issues. It's orange and has an African name. Does it get any worse?

> Debian
Bloated, dumb ass packaging system that installs half the repo for a single package. Hippy bullshit.

> Other Debian variants
Why not just use Ubunut? Seriosly.

> Manjaro
I have found it to be buggy too, but okay after less configuration than Arch.

> Arch
A waste of time. There's nothing honorable or optimal about configuring a distro from scratch.

> Slackware
For the cool kids I guess.

>he doesnt know

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