So it finally happened.
Google fucked over the internet.

To search for 18+ content on google you need to log in. This means you need to give your phone number to google brows the internet.

Attached: ggg.png (225x225, 2.72K)

Based Google. Retarded coomers absolutely BTFO.

Stop looking at cheese pizza jamal

No-fap are the foot soldiers of big tech and SJWs !

have you considered not using google

>have you considered not using google
What are the alternatives ?
DDG ? Will it not get fucked over by this censorship ? So you are once again literally browsing google with google censorship + new google no NSFW censorship ?

I miss the days of the old internet.
The internet now becomes more and more a shit pill where you need to log into different services to get the content you need.

>have you considered
Have you considered that 90% of people use google and this basically totally changed how people view the internet now ?

>Be retard who does not save links
>Someone asks about some picture
>Google it
>Can not find because, remember the correct name however forgot you need to log into google to see NSFW
>PS: Google decides what is NSFW now !

Also its more like 98% of people use google. Like seriously do not get the point of DDG and other shit they literally copy past form google why the fuck should anyone use this shit.
>b-b-b-b we do not track you
1) bullshit
2) I know how to not be tracked by google while using it.
3) You are only a more shit version of google search results.

Attached: competitor-copies-website.jpg (1024x572, 188.07K)


Attached: Bing-Mobile-Wikipedia-1GXYdTLApnmZqM.png (800x324, 17.36K)

Is it any good ? I only used it a little.

Don't tell OP alternatives

You can turn off "safe search" in the settings, so there's that.

>You can turn off "safe search" in the settings, so there's that
I literally god a
>WE can not confirm you are 18 you must login
message today on google.

Try it !

kek, not having jewgle blocked in your hosts file

Any source? I feel like you're full of shit

Attached: opIsBeingFaggotAgain.png (1080x707, 608.56K)

>gay porn
user gay porn is SFW, now will be shown to all employees of all corporations 24/7.

>Google fucked over the internet.
Correct, but not for that reason.
>To search for 18+ content on google you need to log in.
If you're mentally retarded enough to still use Google in 2022, you DESERVE to be treated like shit.

>What are the alternatives ?

See: >Ecosia
How many of them only copy past from google ? Remove the google scrapers and never recommend them.

Also remove the ones with shit search results.

If you're the largest search engine, something like 90%, you have the biggest bullseye on you from all kinds of activists and gubbamints. Of course the have to censor shit if almost every single country threatens them they will slap them with fines worth 5% their yearly revenues


Attached: 1530468403011.jpg (713x611, 76.1K)

What country demands you do not show porn ?
MY bad all of them because muh children and children must be on the internet.

NO child should be on the internet if parents give a child internet access CPS should take away their children.

I wish it was 2005. The internet back then was better.

who cares? i never find anything i search for on google anyways.

No-faps must be genocide away.

>I wish it was 2005. The internet back then was better.
Yep blame the normies and everyone for using the internet now and they need protecting while browsing the big bad web

desu I don't remember the last time I actually did a google search for anything

Attached: 1623492198362.jpg (750x617, 83.53K)


Attached: Screenshot_20220305-155802.png (540x960, 274.75K)

for me it was accidentally after a decade without it, some site owner couldn't be bothered to do site search and fraudulently sent me to google against my will with my query

I got the warning. looks like thy did not roll out this new """"feature"""" to all territories

you're being pranked

>search for white porn
>nothing but white women getting fucked by black men

th-thanks google

Meanwhile !
Porn is blocked !

Attached: porn.png (1090x785, 55.36K)

Your safe search is activated you absolute fucktard kurwa