Women in CS

Why are women in CS like this

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>south korean
found your problem

Because society worships women.
You do it too, even if it's just fictional women.

Oh look another incel thread. Programming is neither hard nor an exclusive club. More women would be in this field if the culture wasn't male dominant. Have sex.

shes that average looking promiscuous whore you kinda fucked with

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got too much self respect to even speak with whores

Enjoy the anal prolapse then.

this. /thread

Turns out, you can scam just as hard in tech, a smart move.

You forgot that only women (and transwomen) can get away with grifting in tech.

>waaaaa it’s men’s fault women aren’t in tech
> has the freedom of choice and still choose non-stem majors

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Wahhhhhh wahhhh incel!!!!

kek seethe

Its a men exclusive club and that's how it should remain. You're a fucking loser and should kill yourself.

I hate women so much it’s unreal.

men enable this :/

Just sit on a desk and write code. Dont talk. Don't look at me. Just sit there.

You've never had sex in your life, simp.

If you want to do that, that's fine. However we have a business to run, and need non autistic people making real decisions.. So let your female PM and Scrum Master do the big boy work while you stay chained to your desk, codemonkey.

Bad bait

>More women would be in this field if the culture wasn't male dominant
>muh culture

You don't sound like much of a team player, user. >:( I bet you're looking at racist memes too. Nazi. I'm telling HR.

you will never have sex faggot

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>Programming is neither hard nor an exclusive club.
High salaries prove otherwise.