What's the point of this crap? Just use Go, C# and ASP.NET, or Rust. Even Node.js is faster than this...

What's the point of this crap? Just use Go, C# and ASP.NET, or Rust. Even Node.js is faster than this. Why can't PHP just die?

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>Why can't PHP just die?
because it's being used by a lot of people, because it predates everything in your list
try asking the banks why they still use COBOL

It is purpose built for the web, Node.js is garbage and ASP.NET is even worse garbage, the rest are general purpose languages.

In my country (third-world), this garbage sells like hot shit because everyone is too poor to buy vps and has to go with a shared hosting, so php or mainly wordpress, is their only option.

shared hosting is great for small business though, I would rather get a cpanel instance with PHP, mysql and e-mail then forget about it than to set up everything from scratch on a vps and have to worry about updates and shit.

>Node.js is garbage
> ASP.NET is even worse garbage
They're both faster than PHP, and PHP is a horrible language.


Pajeets seething lol

>They're both faster than PHP
no, node.js performance is make believe and any advantage ASP.NET may have over PHP is lost on the microsoft web stack, nevermind the clusterfuck that is the ASP.NET and C# syntax, I rather built a website in lisp.

None of the purpose-built web features in the language are worth using, though.

>blocks your path

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Fucking retarded blue rat.

>It is purpose built for the web
Web as it was 20 years ago, sure.

name me anything more lightweight and clean than php that worked in 2003 and still works the fastest today


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>fastest today
Double yikes

damn i'm starting to like php now

great for cgi scripts but not much else

cgi is the ancient web server to script interface
php used to run over cgi too

I enjoy the C# syntax

Provide a good, objective argument, user