Well user your you're definitely not lacking in the technical skill department, but I have one final question for you...

Well user your you're definitely not lacking in the technical skill department, but I have one final question for you. What are your weaknesses?

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fast cummer

I care too much

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>What are your weaknesses?
Child belly.

>What are your weaknesses?
redheads in high heals.

What are you high on drugs or something? Are you sure you are qualified for this job?

Was diagnosed as borderline when I was 18 after a suicide attempt, I get full-blown mood swings throughout the day and I've become quite good at hiding it so I'm constantly faking my emotions. Sometimes I burn out from the mood swings and may go into a depression that lasts for months, sometimes I wonder if I'm bipolar because of that. I don't do drugs anymore but I think I've burned a couple of brain cells from so much shit I got high on. I also fap to anime

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I've never once been asked this during an interview

I masturbate and coom about 4 hours for every 1 hour of coding I do.

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cute loli feet

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I have, I think it was on ASML, but they gave me a document with the questions they'd ask me so I could prepare a script lol

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tsubasa tsubasa, best contemporary artist

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>What are your weaknesses?
Cute blonde MILFs with glasses looking at me like they were my teacher and I had been a very very bad boy.

I've been asked this in two interviews and both times it really tripped me up. My weaknesses are the worst ones you can have at a job. I have panic attacks and get anxious really easy. I'm also racist.

That's why you prepare a script dumbass

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Yeah but what's the correct answer? What is a weakness that won't make me feel bad?

sorry I meant to type "look bad" not feel bad

FUCK I meant to reply to this post MY OTHER WEAKNESS IS THAT I'M RETARDED

If you don't have the communication skills to understand how to answer this question, you don't deserve to be employed. It's a gatekeeper question to ensure you aren't an autistic neckbeard who will say something dumb like "I don't do well under extreme pressure" or "I don't like tasks that aren't explicitly defined."

To answer you take a strength of yours and frame it to be a weakness at times. A good one is "I am a perfectionist, I agonize over all my work and always check for errors and bugs, and this used to slow me down and threaten deadlines, but now I've learned to let go and relax a bit and have faith in the quality of my work and skills.

I think I said something like: "Sometimes I spend too much time planning because I want to get things right instead of focusing on getting it good enough and improving it later if there's time. It's gotten me on situations where I was needlessly under stress to make a delivery and I've been trying to improve it but it's still something I struggle with"

"Speaking to women who have not covered their hair, you degenerate whore."

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I take adderall, which sometimes causes me to work too hard and get too much done; which enrages my coworkers.

Based and relatable

>To answer you take a strength of yours and frame it to be a weakness at times. A good one is "I am a perfectionist, I agonize over all my work and always check for errors and bugs, and this used to slow me down and threaten deadlines, but now I've learned to let go and relax a bit and have faith in the quality of my work and skills.
As a QA monkey I usually go with something like this. It's funny because it's pretty close to the truth and they probably think I'm making it up or rehearsed it but shrug it off as "meh, good enough".


women with glasses ;-)

I'm risk averse, which is why I haven't started a business yet.

I'm bad at lying