"update available for this extension"

>"update available for this extension"
>"update available for this extension"
>"update available for this extension"
>ok ok i get it, i'll install your update
and now i can't downgrade, thanks gnome

Attached: gnome.png (95x130, 2.83K)

Stop using GNOME extensions.

Stop using GNOME.


Switch to KDE Plasma? I did and it does everything I wished Gnome would out of the fucking box... I am using 5.24.2 and it's nothing short of amazing.

I will once gnome implements basic functionality like a system tray

Last time i tried KDE all the icons started disappearing after a minute, also KDE is a ux nightmare to me

What's the use case for system tray?

knowing when i'm deafened/muted in mumble, and as an indication of programs that run in the background

When a program runs in the background, let it run - don't close it.

It's not a hard concept, you have been doing it on your smartphone.

My smartphone runs the shittiest OS ever and doesn't let me decide which programs I run. On my desktop, if I don't close it it clutters my workspace and renders me less productive, it's especially bad in the overview.

you can downgrade, remove extension and download it manually from gnome extensions page for your particular version
extension goes there irc $HOME/.config/gnome-shell/extensions/


is there actually any reason to use gnome-extensions page instead of native extension packages (if available)?

>lose a hotkey that could be used for a more active program
>stuff its info into the system tray without hogging a hotkey
You should really try super+number sometime, way better than alt tabbing

No. Native packages are (as always) much superior. You can tie extension versions to a specific version of GNOME itself and avoid breakage that way.

gnome should fix its shit

Attached: GNOME_crashing_with_no_survivors.webm (608x1080, 2.42M)

>Breeze crash icon (KDE)
>Kubuntu (KDE)
This has so much KDE in it, not even GNOME could save the system from krashing.

true kek

Attached: IMG_20220228_084325.jpg (961x745, 130.73K)

Does the Extensions app update those extensions that were installed manually as well?
