Mpv... but better

>also filters poorfags
Why arent there more threads about AYYna

Attached: 3249b1b7-a193-4a3c-b26f-fc800538f595.png (1780x948, 280.88K)

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Why can't we have such a nice player on Linux as well?
We either have:
- autismo stock mpv
- smplayer that looks like something out of windows 98
- gnome bullshit that has 0 functionality
Why can't we have something nice like this?

what does it do that MPV or VLC can't?
>it looks le good
If you're looking at the UI and not the video/movie you're absolutely retarded.

>autismo stock mpv
What the fuck is wrong with mpv? Most distros package it with vaapi enabled by default and it just werkz.
>inb4 muh ui
It's a video player, who cares how it looks. It disappears after you open a video and you are supposed to look at the video, not the UI.

That's what matters on a video player you fucking subhuman. It's time to go back.

>what matters in a video is the overlay over it
As always, the worst of autists coming to Any Forums to display their mental retardation.
Imagine looking at the UI instead of the video you're playing. Everyone around you should be making fun of you, clown, kys

nobody is interested in your cancer for itoys, built by sex offenders for sex offenders. livestream your suicide.

What matters in a video player is the video player capabilities you nasty cocksucker. Not the fancy UI, not the bullshit bells and whistles. It should play anything I throw at it, and it should do that well. That’s what matters.

because linuxfags dont deserve nice things

i want the video to look good i dont care about the ui
do you?

Why not just have a titlebar and maybe a pretty picture of a unicorn (because gay rights and Tim Cock)? Just forget the video.

Anything on GNOME is vastly better designed than crApple AIDS-ridden shit

Doesnt work with ARIB B24 subtitles and doesn't work with yt-dlp. It also is prone to crashing in syncplay due to some null pointer dereference.

what's wrong with vlc? i've been using that since time immemorial.

smplayer has tons of skins. Why not use one of the modern skins? also OPs pic isn't that different from mpv with a custom ui, like:

I control my video via stream deck
MPV is all I need

Found the zoomer

Just use Haruna
My mpv frontend rips off a lot of its design

Attached: 1624543637190.png (1240x794, 576.06K)

only reason i still use mpv is because i got used to my config and the default shortcuts after years of using it

Celluloid is a nice MPV frontend. Has no issues playing my cartoons over smb.

>Why yes, I love having the whole screen covered with pop-up UI. I wouldn't want that hidden on the bottom or top or side; put it RIGHT IN MY FACE

Attached: stupiddesign.jpg (1136x640, 135.37K)

because gtk sucks dick for developing anything that doesn't look like a gnome program
all the good mpv frontends are qt

last time i tried celluloid on fedora it tried to use some weird vo and setting it as gpu didn't work
mpv worked fine