So Rust is the new python huh...

so Rust is the new python huh? as far as being the absolute go-to language for new programmers looking to learn the language that's about to be used by everyone everywhere. Probably with TypeScript as a close second.

Attached: rust.png (225x225, 4.31K)

if this is bait, you made me reply.
if you're serious, no. python is nothing like rust.

fuck you still sticking with java/c/asm

i mean obviously, rust is nothing like python i'm not saying as similar languages, I mean in the way rust is taking over the market and is set to replace so many other languages like c/c++

it's supposed to be the new c++

and its useful in more places. you can run rust on low-memory microcontrollers up to huge server-side applications. you get great performance, ergonomics, and memory safety everywhere

its memory management is getting to the point where C is completely irrelevant as well outside of extreme edge cases

> I mean in the way rust is taking over the market and is set to replace so many other languages like c/c++
Yeah its not doing this either. Look up the actual market share for rust, it is tiny. And it isnt growing as fast as rustniggers claim, either.
Wrong. C always excelled at minimal design and small binaries on top of immaculate resource usage. Rust has really bloated design and the binaries are abysmally large still. Most C jobs are working with small embedded hardwares that neither Rust nor C++ would fit on

>And it isnt growing as fast as rustniggers claim, either.
seems like a matter of opinion really
its very obvious it's catching on, you're either hopping on the train or you're not, saying there is no train is just silly

python took off because it's also a language for non-programmer academics, for casual users (due to leniency) and for quick prototyping.

rust goes is almost opposite in that it moves the cognitive load to the time spent writing the code, giving you stronger guarantees about what's going to happen when it does compile.

rust is not a language for the masses, though I really enjoy it

>seems like a matter of opinion really
>its very obvious it's catching on, you're either hopping on the train or you're not, saying there is no train is just silly
No. That is not how this works. Rust jobs are cropping up, yes, but not fast enough to make it a worthwhile investment of your time yet and if you learn it now you will end up being jobless for a long time to come still. There are still very few jobs.
But rustaceans will spin this on its head and say "but there were no jobs five years ago and now there are a few jobs working with AWS! thats progress! Rust won!"
No, it didnt. It is progress, yes, but it isnt progress of any note. I can name jobs with fucking Lisp of all languages too, that doesn't mean learning Lisp won't guarantee joblessness

zig is the new C
rust is the new C++
python is the new python (deprecated)

>new rust jobs are happening
>but this doesn't mean it's catching on
why do you have to do these mental gymnastics, is it just because of the one tranny or something? are you really that mind broken?

Name one Zig job.
>why do you have to do these mental gymnastics, is it just because of the one tranny or something? are you really that mind broken?
See this? Do you see Rust anywhere?
Tell me it is catching on. Go ahead.

Attached: 1645985329075.jpg (900x675, 127.18K)

Are you actually retarded or just delusional?

I program in rust at work (because we introduced it there) and rust is a million years away from what python/java/php/javascript is in terms of job popularity.

>Do you see Rust anywhere?
i see it on linkedin, over 100+ results

>100+ results
This means nothing. Now check how many C++ jobs there are comparatively.
Check indeed too.
Thats exactly what I fucking said you nigger. Jobs exist for it but its a million years away from top ten popularity and demand and learning it currently is a timesink

>This means nothing.
ok you're just being silly now i guess

>didn't read :)
Fixed mindset. Youre not gonna make it even if you learned Python lol. Go be a nurse or something

you're the one without the ability to recognize trends, a symptom of autism

Rust is not a trend. It is growing very, very slowly. It won't be a guarantee for another 5 or 6 years at minimum. Learning it, right now, as opposed to something that has already gotten thousands of jobs now like Go, is stupid and a timesink.

>no trend
>ok its a growing
>not a trend
>bro this C garbage will never catch on
>look at all the assembly jobs

>thinks assembly was the number one language for jobs back when C was conceived
You literally know nothing about programming kek. Stop talking now.
Growing != a worthwhile time investment in the present.

i mean you're just being a hardheaded neo luddite, it's nothing new, usually a behavior resulting from low self esteem exhibiting itself as heavy self worth based on external things like being negative in your case

Complete ad hominem that has nothing to do with what I said. Ergo you have officially admitted defeat.
You will be jobless forever if you learn languages that are outside of the top ten demand just because theyre "growing". C didnt see mass adoption for 14 years after its creation, C++ for nearly 20, and Rust has only been around for 11 on top of there being no reason for most employers to retrain their programmers in Rust despite the already used C++ having everything they need as is