Ultimate proof that Bluetooth as a technology just doesn't werk

>Ultimate proof that Bluetooth as a technology just doesn't werk

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Any bluetooth device?

>waits in the dark while Bluetooth fails to connect

so what can they use instead? Wi-Fi?

I don't know but why does it take a minute for bluetooth to connect (when it does) and then it's unstable it's a fucking mess especially for something like a light where you need it to be responsive

Leave it connected to whatever device you have.

Hue uses a specific implementation of ZigBee with a proprietary hub device. Bluetooth is a new addition but I doubt they'll drop ZigBee protocol anytime soon. The main advantage ZigBee offers over nonhub smart bulbs is centralized control over packets. Instead of 10 bulbs constantly checking for requests on your wireless router, you have one hub handling that traffic instead of the router.

As a user I have no idea what you're talking about. Where what is this hub you refer to?? Is it accessible from my phone? I just bought it expecting to have a nightstand lamp that I could turn on/off from my phone and it just does not work. Worse even, bought two of them and they always mix up, the other one is in my child's room and when I switch mine on there's a 50/50 chance it lights up the one in my child's room as well.

The hub can be bought separately or as part of a starter kit. The hue app on your phone can be used with the hub. You really should've done some research first...

>Instead of 10 bulbs constantly checking for requests on your wireless router
That's not how routers work

Bluetooth worked fine on my Hue when I didn't have a hub

Oh so I have to buy an extra piece of equipment that will act as a middleware between my phone and the bulbs? Why would my connection to the hub be better than to the bulbs? How do I know the hub won't fuck things up too since nothing seems to work with this brand?

>there is a need of a "hub" whose sole reason of existence is to route traffic between internet of shit bulbs
yea good i have not much interest in this shit tech

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Why don't you explain to the class how non-hub wifi enabled bulbs work then?

ZigBee is kinda shit and your often forced into using proprietary snowflake hardware just to make it work.

OpenThread is the only true low-power networking protocol.

It's dedicated hardware literally made to manage your hue devices. You can wire it into your network so connectivity is not really an issue unless your network is fucked.

Bluetooth is shit
I can't believe we let the boomers get away with this garbage

Have you tried wired bluetooth?

OpenThread is an undebuggable mess lmao. I worked with a company in the past that integrated OpenThread into their product line and had to kill the whole thing after a year because it was a dumpster fire.

Both your phone and those bulbs are piece of shit consumer devices that are not trying to solve your problems, but make you buy more trash. They are working as intended.

Out of the way, Bluetooth fucking shits!

Attached: Caseta-family-of-products.png (1095x600, 286.71K)

I hate the antichrist