Can't put a semicolon where I want

>can't put a semicolon where I want
why do you shill Go here?

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consistent syntax is good

>Calls a brace a 'semicolon'

you see, stupid compiler errors made my brain lag

void msg(){
print("open brackets do not belong on this line regardless of language");

>calls a newline being called a semicolon a brace

I love cocks and dicks. I want them inside my mouth and ass forever. I want to lick them and eat them forever. did I ever say that I'm a proud trans? well sisters, I'll need to take some meds before I go outside to buy some programming socks. have a good session of programming with rust.

This. We call them "programming languages" and programmers proclaim that re-use and consistency is good, so why not standardize the language in a way that a compiler can enforce.
This way all Go programmers legitimately speak the same exact language and dialect. Anyone can read and modify anyone else's Go code with 0 friction.


Subjective depending on whether you interpret OPs point of contention being the placement of a '{' or a '\n'. I'd argue people think in terms of what they see and not what they don't so the brace is in fact what is being referred to

New lines make the code more readable.

The programming equivalent of dialects are fine though. Whitespace is meaningless. That's excepting Python but that's just because they tried to mess with other standards too much and they took out the semicolon. Programmers have the freedom to write their code as long as it meets compilation, and it's okay if there are better and worse programmers, or to be nicer, better or worsely written programs. Otherwise you're just enforcing style at the expense of productivity, intuition, extra steps for new programmers, and so on.
There's a big difference between saying that something is good and saying that that thing should be mandated.

Your basis appears to be "it's okay because I personally like it".
This decision is being made in more and more languages as a result of decades of programmer frustration.
You're also contradicting yourself by saying it's meaningless, but also you should be allowed to put it wherever you want. If it's meaningless, just let the formatter handle it in a standard way. Don't attribute meaning to it by saying the exact same thing just in the opposite and unique manner per project.
>whitespace should be here in my project
is no different.

>no enums
>no generics
it be like that

Attached: Go.jpg (900x720, 40.03K)

I'd argue that they refer explicitly to the newline so the newline is in fact what is being referred to

Attached: 66rp5g.gif (260x260, 758.45K)

>Or new line before {

>need to manually download and install each release from golang's site or write/use custom bashscript to update the language
retards at google can't provide an updater?

New lines yes, blank lines I doubt. PHP standard (PSR-whatever) messed this up so bad, making a newline after brace mandatory in class/method definitions, but not in functions (???)
At least it's consistent. Same with tabs vs spaces - that should have NEVER been a point of discussion in programming, yet here we are.
I do miss enums. Generics are implemented in 1.18 (currently in beta).

meant to say "new line before brace"

>Same with tabs vs spaces - that should have NEVER been a point of discussion
Indeed. It should be tabs for indentation, spaces for alignment.

Just use your system's update utilty. In some circles that's called a package manager.