Is it just me or does youtube feel really "shallow" these past few years? Like...

Is it just me or does youtube feel really "shallow" these past few years? Like, it feels like I get recommended the same things over and over again and the algorithm is just incessantly mirroring back to you basically the same stuff you've already watched.

Attached: youtube-logo.max-1500x1500.jpg (1500x1500, 58.24K)

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Jewtoobers are extremely scared of recommending random shit now because of all the moralfags crying about "OH NOES THE CHILDREN" so they pretty much only recommend popular and recently uploaded stuff now. Just get rid of recommendations as a whole dude.

Attached: 953eff438ddd7c38115ecda9c515f3162c781825cd8e1d51a044c871679032d9.jpg (1920x1080, 273.59K)

Have you tried actually clicking recommendeds?
Yes, it recommends you stuff you've watched before but also related things.

>I get recommended the same things over and over again
Write a script to stop it showing you recommendations older than a certain cut of period.

>implying these Any Forumsentoomans today know how to write a script
Well yeah, kinda. Out of 20 random anons, only one is a true coder and the rest of them are consumers.

Stop watching samey shit all the time. The algorithm feeds you what it thinks you like and this is based on your viewing habits.

that means the system is broken for you, happens a lot of the time. You need to search for stuff and click recommends you usually don't to get out of the deadend

It's because "the algorithm" is really just what YouTube recommends, it really has nothing to do with what you watch especially if you're watching things that go against YouTube's agenda.

We live in a society and the Algorithm reflects that.

kek, true

>Is it just me or does youtube feel really "shallow" these past few years?
All the cool edgy stuff was banned.

> recommended
People really watch things outside their subscriptions?

where did you find the channels?

Any Forums and Reddit

Mine are sublime.

Attached: Capture.png (2289x1401, 3.29M)

it's just you man
you're so smart and special
everyone else is sheeple
your mom was right

I didn't know every youtube user on earth watched KSP videos. Why do they only have like 7-20k views?

There's actually a way to only get stuff you haven't viewed before. There's this line of tags at the top that absolutely nobody uses, but way at the end there's this "New To You" one. Sometimes you can't even get to it unless you widen the window out for the buttons to reflow properly.
Chill man it's just a Any Forums thread.

Attached: new to you.png (1200x75, 65.26K)

Attached: recs2202.png (1269x976, 1.39M)

Kerbal Space Program is a video game, YouTube pushes mindless non controversial garbage like video games. All the most commonly recommended videos are gaming, and people reacting to TikTok or Reddit or some garbage top 10 shit. Open a private window and prove me wrong

Welcome to corporate world. Expect to be fed products over and over. The good YouTube era is gone.

machine """""learning"""". can't wait to punch my housekeeping robot in his fucking robot face when he reminds of shit that was 10 years ago