Finally managed to install Arch

Finally managed to install Arch.
I just want to say, fuck Arch wiki. Seriously wiki is overrated and full of bs.
I followed Mental Outlaw's tutorial and some Asians on YT.

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You most likely just did what those video tutorials told you, regardless whether you actually need it or not. Those video tutorials or any other tutorials always present it in the way the author wants his computer configured. A good example are those ridiculous "infographic installs" that floated around here. It's made by some retard, who not only did a few mistakes, but he did things he doesn't even know why he's doing them. Then a new retard (you) come along and repeat that.

The Arch Wiki lists a general overview and it's up to you how you want to configure it (or if you want it in the first place). Installing it isn't even a feat. There's apparently even an installer included now.

>uptime 1 minute
>virtual machine
Ah, a poser, as expected.

why? If you dont like the wiki, why go with arch?
>759 packages on a fresh install in a vm
do gnomefags really

Well Arch Wiki is confusing and didn't managed to install following it. Look Im not lying, i tried once just following it. It didn't worked.

For the bloat part, I don't think any useless thing installed. Just my packages, it is like nothing. It is minimalistic.

>Ah, a poser, as expected.
I use Manjaro on my main. No reason to wipe it all and install Arch.

archinstall needs a tutorial?

Fuck off. I typed all the stuff.

-Arch Linux is set up to be an ever changing bullshit system to gatekeep new people, so that losers can pretend to be interesting/unique and escape from the fact that they are super NPCs, for a few minutes out of a week
-The wiki is set up on purpose to make you fail. A year ago they deleted 70% of the content and also ended all sentences early, only half-thoughts, to make you clueless and get stuck, so you go to forums and suck their cock.
-Installing it does not win you virtual points, does not gain you entry into any secret club. They just hate you even more now that you did it. And you wasted a massive amount of time to get the same shit that any ubuntu user has. Maybe in 2005 you might have had an argument but after C2D the time difference for speed is gonna come down to milliseconds and does not validate the wasted days/weeks you spent installing it.
You are wasting your time, it's up to you if you continue down this utterly pointless meme path. Arch Linux essentially exists because there's too much welfare and they pass the social singularity where they know they are excess males and lose their shit, so they created some pretentious bullshit on the internet to pretend to be superior to everyone else

>I don't think any useless thing installed. Just my packages, it is like nothing. It is minimalistic.
HAHAHAHA nah man they got you
picrel I use MATE and a bunch of qt/kde applications (Falkon, qBit, Krita, Okular) so I have like 60% of kde installed and a ton of other stuff and still less packages than you

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the arch wiki and flexible install process are the only good things about arch, the problems with it come up after you've installed and configured it, essentially making it inverse gentoo

congrats. welcome to the club

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Thanks. How can I change my keyboard to Deutsch you know? I used to "loadkeys" on first but its gone now.

I hate installs too.
Just use Artix linux, it's Arch without soistem D, and the best part is that you can get it with an installer for KDE (the only DE that actually looks good) too.

Graphical installer I mean.
Also get the openRC version.

See ya on debian or fedora soon. After you understand it's all waste of time for no purpose and benefit from other distros.

if you're in gnome you can just change it in the control panel.

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weak b8 kys

From what I've seen arch based distros have the best support and app compatibility. Debian is too stable for a normal desktop experience, maybe even for home servers as well. There's no point in using it. Fedora seems ok, but I still just prefer Artix linux.

>counting packages
The absolute state of unemployed archfags
And then they will tolerate 10gb of aur build dependencies

You aren't part of the club, tomorrow it will be that you don't use a shitty enough shell or DE/WM etc

Debian et al do not have support because they don't need it because all these problems were solved by automation and scripts 15 years ago

package counters are the best, this is full tier NPC turbo mode buzz, racing to your grave in a jet aircraft etc

I meant support as in tech support, wikis, etc.
I don't see how an automation script would help any of that.

i don't care what people think. i've been using arch since 2008. they can go blow their brains out for all i care.

Counting packages on a fresh install is a totally reasonable thing to do in response to a claim like
>I don't think any useless thing installed. Just my packages, it is like nothing. It is minimalistic.
also im employed and have one package from the aur clearly whatever you're trying to project onto me isnt accurate

I installed it myself with archinstall, how did you notice?

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Were you too retarded to type "archinstall" when prompted


>it's meant to be bullshit gatekeeping
>archinstall in less than 5 mins
ok, retard

sorry nerd, I don't use the command line.

>best support
Wrong. I've been using arch for several years and slow updates, releasing libraries ahead of programs which mean broken program untill it updates, dropping support for packages and moving them into aur, etc. The "arch broke again" is not a 100% meme, my installation breaks 3 times for 2 years simply via updates, not my mistakes.
>app compatibility
Aur makes the deal, but with big distros from red hat, canonical or even debian community you can expect prebuild pkgs or instructions, simply because they are... popular and wide spread.

Arch is fine, but it's not perfect at all.

This. Even in Mental Outlaw's video he said to not include swap. Swap files can be added (which is what I use) but he made it sound like swap was bad. It has only given my slow ass 4gb ram laptop benefits.