Wtf bros is it down for everyone or just me?

Wtf bros is it down for everyone or just me?

Attached: RT_Russia_Today_logo_emblem_logotype_2.png (4832x4832, 156.36K)

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It isn't "down", it's just been snipped off in the west. Can't have the enemy getting their side of the story out, now can we?

We sure are getting their bots doing damage control. Get a real job, Ivan,

>Wtf bros is it down
One can only hope.

>everyone who doesn't parrot exactly what im told to believe is a bot
The ironing.


I'm Russian and seeing people reading RT makes me seethe so fucking hard. Thanks god it went down for now.

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i'm not behind it, but i want to suppor woever did that.

nerds can do some usefull stuff sometimes

Attached: +_d0bb5cc931c8b3dfdebadb591bc198d5.jpg (1200x1339, 229.05K)

Probably because everything else is pro-Demonrat propaganda. It gets old after a decade.

Attached: NoItWasntBrandonHonestGuize.png (599x857, 354.02K)

well, "The Anonymous Collective" is claiming responsibility apparently: so any support should be directed at the FBI

I'll now watch your channel. :^)

not that user but i do it mainly to know what putin wants people to think so i know what he wants to do, also is like reading a fiction novel where putin is protecting the world ESPECIALLY in the opinions section, but yeah RT and Sputnik are just propaganda paid with russian taxes they don't make a shit of money no one really pays to read them nor watch them but russian tax payers.

Attached: thxjvuyzspl71.jpg (640x427, 62.33K)

lmao breaking news
I like some variety in my propaganda intake though

its back up already lmao

I can tell you what they talk about in the purest source of propaganda - TV.

While I was cooking food, I turned on Russia 24 (the main state news channel) for fun. What a fucking propaganda.
"We're liberating from the Nazis! We are heroes, don't worry, it's not a war! An anti terrorist and anti nazi operation!". Before that I saw typical "america le bad"-shit again.
Propaganda is so fucking strong here, holy fuck, especially when we don't have strong opposition.


now try turning on CNN kek

I dislike when people say American media isn't free. They problem is that it is totally free, and there are no profits in telling the unbiased truth.
There's a difference between being free and being true/ unbiased.

KEK. DDoS attacks surely rival full scale military invasions. GJ faggots.

Get fucked, faggot pinkos.

Anonymous took it down.

>le KEK
Fucking cockwipe, get the fuck out of my webzone. Do your parents a solid and kill yourself.

What's nitter? Is it twitter for black people?

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