Mfw fell for the university meme

>mfw fell for the university meme
im done. learnt nothing of significance. studied a day before exams and made it. after wasting 3 years, i have no skills, 0 chances of getting employed, and i have forgotten everything i "learnt" almost immediately. im mentally and physically exhausted

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good, now fuck off and kill yourself tranime poster

I would've said jump to crypto but it's a bear market.
>anime website

welcome to aldulthood motherfucker

How is this possible? I did online CS for two semesters, got an internship, and now have a 6 figure job. All this is in my first year. What the fuck do you niggers spend your time doing?

Based world hater brethren

They handed you a piece of paper while happily counting all the money you gave them.

Why did you even bother going to college if you didn't want to learn anything?

Did you sign up for some fly-by-night for profit school or something? How did you possibly learn nothing? Why didn't you take more challenging courses then?

>0 chances of being employed
Again, didn't you pick a good CS program who's name carries some weight? Didn't you do a (minimum 2) internships so you can get used to writing production quality code? As usual, I suspect this is your own fault, but I want to hear more. It is harder to find an entry level software job than it was 2-3 years ago, but not that much harder

american university splits your coursework 70/40 between unrelated (((general education))) courses and then the latter is related to your major, you need both before you can graduate

For one stop watching tranime, it's actually subverting your life goals.

Think of it like the gym. You will re-learn way faster than someone learning on the job the first time.
anime website
who are you quoting?

welcome to retail
in your next life get internships

>I put in no effort and deliberately made sure not to benefit from the experience by choosing to study in such a way that I knew I wouldn't retain any information
This is your fault entirely and you are a retarded child

>You will re-learn way faster than someone learning on the job the first time
big cope

Me too.
Want to make a porn game with me?

>I would've said jump to crypto but it's a bear market.
buy high sell low?

how did you manage to go to college and fuck things this badly?

same but even worse
I didn't learn anything, thought I could just focus on personal projects, dropped out, and forget to account for the world being cruel and auto filtering based off of college degree.

I've posted it before but university is fine if it's for you and you like it but I don't think it's necessary to go for work. I had life shit happen and had to drop out at 16 and almost immediately entered the work force doing bullshit retail jobs for a few years.

I'm 25 and make like 130k a year with no uni because of my work experience.

there was a different hell that I went through, which was working a few help desk jobs. Worth it tho, plus I made like 50-60k a year doing it instead of having student loans.

this isn't true if you're willing to start in the pits and work your way up, which is frustrating, but I promise you that you do not need a degree to work in tech.