Java and C#

Should i learn one of these or should i skip them both? I am i search of a main stack to settle with, get better in and built stuff with.

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In* build*

C# all day, business and games. you got the whole fucking stack

skip both
learn c if you want a real job
learn lisp if you are based

do you have a c job?

C# unironically if you want to learn game dev

why would i work

> real job
> c

cnile thinks its 1985

I don't want to learn a language for work that's retarded. I want to learn a language to build stuff i like. If it ends uo helping me getting a job in the field it's a bonus point. But im not in search for a job right now. I have a job and i'm studying in a different field. Though since i'm in expat right now i have a lot of free time and i like to spent every single hour of my free time writing code. I'm still in the honeymoon phase.

i told you, lisp or c
c especially if you like toying with anything unix related, plus it has a gazillion compilers available
but it really depends on what you want to make
if you want to do webshit, it should be obvious that you learn js

I already know Javascript, Typescript, React, Vue, Node, and it's uninteresting to say the least. Do you have some fun suggestions of projects i can try and build in C?

If it’s uninteresting, it’s because your projects are uninteresting. Why do you think a different language will change that? Stop being a faggot and make something cool.

The concept of building web pages and estabilishing crud communication with a DB, writing getters and setters is what i find uninteresting after having built (and sold) quite a few ones. I want to explore new horizons and leave the web for some time.

Java absolutely destroys everything else when it comes to jobs
Net shit can’t even compete

I don't care about being hired right now. But i'll keep that in mind. Thanks anyways

build a posix compliant operating system

You’re not limited to webshit with javascript anymore. You can even do some basic microcontroller stuff with node these days if you want to. The only thing holding you back is yourself, not your language.

My experience with these
Better adjacent langs (Kotlin, Scala, Clojure)
Better for data engineering (Cassandra, Spark, Kafka all written in Java or Scala) -- I only bring this up because these jobs have outrageous salaries
A lot more libraries, but many vary in quality
JVM has better garbage collectors
Better as a language in terms of features than Java
Better for game dev
Ecosystem imo is higher quality, but lower quantity
Better FFI (although Java is supposed to get that fixed, who the fuck knows)

So you know javascript.

Skip them for what?
C# is pretty good for an allround language. You can do high level shit like in Java but you can also do low level shit like in c/++.

Thank you very much