What is this?

What is this?

Attached: 1642495327477.jpg (1024x745, 27.59K)

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Your mom.

Attached: sus.jpg (259x194, 9.38K)

government distraction
the fact that this happened nearly 20 years ago should alert you to how much of a nothing burger this was

i thought about making a thread on this topic a while back because /x/ is incapable of rational thought.

what do i think they are? simple (kinda), they are plasma projections created by a focused ion beam. that may seem like gibberish to a lot of people but it's actually pretty simple if you have an entry level understanding of particle physics. first you have to break with the preconceived notion that these are physical crafts which has been conveniently programmed into the psyche of the general public (hint hint: on purpose). tell me if yall want to know more and i'll go deeper into the how and why.

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its an alien spacecraft, user

Attached: e8b3073a5eb2b6c2939b13de1447821a.jpg (500x375, 32.94K)

but mulder...

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A sea bird. Watch the video and you can kinda make out some flapping here and there; other than that it's gliding.

a silhouette of stallman smashing his water bottle on the stage in front of 1000 brazilians

debunked by pewdiepie of all people


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Antartica nazi's making a comeback. Jews on suicide watch

except it was moving at high speed against the wind.

what episode

Birds do that, yes. If you know how to read the numbers on the display, from the altitude and airspeed of the plane, it does seem to be roughly bird sized and moving at a speed birds can fly.

There have been a couple of videos explaining it, i think that one was the heat cone from a jet or something viewed through an IR camera, you can look it up yourself.

personally i like lemmino's take on this. the footage itself isn't that impressive, but the context around it is very compelling.


it's time you learned the truth user

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so basically this?



How would a plasma UFO set off radar and other tracking instrumentation?

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yes but the uses are far greater than a missile decoy.

plasma will reflect radar as if it was a solid object. think about it, every ability these "ufo's" have demonstrated is at odds with known physics when it comes to an object with mass. appearing, disappearing, reappearing many miles away nearly instantly, the ability to maneuver and or accelerate in ways that are seemingly impossible for a solid craft to undertake with our understanding of physics etc etc are all perfectly within the realm of our scientific understanding if these things are essentially just balls of energy (plasma). a ball of energy can do everything we've observed these objects doing without having to rewrite the physics books. occam's razor applies here. isn't it weird how a bunch of government people have suddenly started talking publicly about these things when before it was all so hush hush? notice how every single one of them pushes the narrative that they are crafts? we are seeing a real time misinformation campaign in action that seeks to steer everyone down the wrong path.