Which one?

I've used Audacity for years for simple audio edits. Now I find out about the buyout, controversy, the fork Tenacity and its controversy. Which one should I use? Did anyone step up to maintain Tenacity after sneedtards assaulted the lead dev? Does tenacity offer anything feature-wise over audacity?

Attached: AudaVTena.png (512x256, 26.97K)

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Audacity it is then. Your shit maymays is why we can't have anything nice.


More like sneethe

mpd + mpc + any hotkeying program
do you even need more?

Just use Audacity 3.0.2 you dumb nigger.

why the fuck would i want all that just to amplify the volume a little? what about "simple audio edits" didn't you understand? i want the equivalent of Paint, not Photoshop.
either way, got audacity, made the edit and done. took all of 30s.
you zoomer faggots are worthless. go suck a tranny's wound.

Used 3.1.3, you double nigger.

>did anyone step up to maintain Tenacity after sneedtards assaulted the lead dev
Cookienigger thread

Attached: sample_66bad07f0c7a30072dbcd12b486199b7.jpg (850x1398, 308.5K)

You were sperging out about the controversy and talking about autistic forks and shit like that. So I recommended you the last "good" build of audacity you quadruple nigger. It just werks, why should anyone use anything else?

>why should anyone use anything else?
thats all i was trying to find out. thanks anyways, giga-nigga.

> why the fuck would i want all that just to amplify the volume a little?
Why the fuck would you want a whole fucking gui to do
ffmpeg -i faggotsounds.wav -af volume=2 louderfaggotsounds.webm

I thought it was recently found out that audacity is spyware?

The joke is that the program is called "Sneedacity" which is clever in itself and quite funny to those with a mature sense of humor but what's really just hilarious about it is that if you look closely at the documentation, Sneedacity, you can see a line that reads "Formerly Audacity". Now, this might go over the average user's head as this, THIS, is peak comedy. I doubt anything will ever be as funny as the joke about Sneedacity. Are you ready for this one? So, like I said, the program is called "Sneedacity" and the documentation says "forked from Audacity", which means that if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

Attached: icantsneed.png (457x457, 32.91K)

I just had a ripe ass fart
currently bathing ut rn

The newest versions are, but i'm on debian stable so my version is free from it.
New versions don't always mean better versions.


I'm using tenacity on my machine rn, it's literally just audacity
Truth is you don't actually need this project to be updated anymore it's fucking feature complete. You can literally just git clone an older build of audacity and build that one and use it forever, you can just use sneedacity because they're a meme and never going to actually do anything to the code. I went with tenacity just cause I didn't want to see SNEED every time I went to edit an mp3 but it doesn't really matter

fucking ffmpeg to the rescue again! thanks, user. figures it was that easy. i gave up on bullshit complicated video editors because ffmpeg was just better.

i have to give it to you, user. a masterful piece of shitposting. i bet you're real popular on reddit. also also kys and tongue my anus.

thanks for an honest answer. i heard that tenacity had implemented some new features or whatever but i guess like all memes, its just a circlejerk.

Attached: sneeed.jpg (600x596, 49.16K)

As to why I wanted to know was because for whatever reason this song, unlike the rest, has a noticeably lower volume.
Always bugged me when it came up in my playlist. Figured, after years, it was finally time to do something about it.
Definite thanks to this user , I'll tongue your anus anytime.