Am I missing out by not learning Rust?

Am I missing out by not learning Rust?

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That depends on what you want to do. If you want to do modern low-level development, or anything else where Rust is a viable platform, then yes, you are possibly missing out.


What do I gain by learning Rust and not simply continuing using C++ as I always have?

rust ecosystem and dependency management is much simpler and straightforward than c++'s

the standard library is also more organized and there are a few other quality of life quirks that aren't just the main borrow checker stuff

generally you can only gain knowledge by learning a new language anyways, so either you learn it and it becomes part of your toolset or you learn it and expand your overall knowledge

That depends on what you want to do. If you want to
cut off your dick and then kill yourself, or anything else where Rust is a viable platform, then yes, you are possibly missing out.

>generally you can only gain knowledge by learning a new language anyways, so either you learn it and it becomes part of your toolset or you learn it and expand your overall knowledge
I could spend that time learning Haskell, though

Do you have a job working on C++? If that's the only reason you code, and there's no chance that your company will switch to Rust, you can just stick with C++.

If you are interested in programming (languages) besides work, than Rust will have some interesting insights - in particular that the compiler can check for more properties that should be ensured.

In the long-term, I do think that Rust (and maybe, some other languages, depending on the particular use-case) will be increasingly used. It just feels outdated to have to write .h files and stuff; the C++ tooling is also quite antiquated compared to cargo. Which makes quite a difference in how easy it is to set up new projects, because getting all the dependencies right is much easier


also femboy boyfriends

The question is what do you want to do? For some projects, Rust is a better option, for some others, Haskell is -- although Rust probably has more use cases.


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No. Rust is just an inferior tranny C.

Use Go, which is C for 21th century


Just use D instead

>language with garbage collection
Why don't you just use Java, Kotlin or Swift at that point? At least these are well designed languages that allow for professional development without too much boilerplate (with the exception of Java maybe).

I'm interested in learning rust. how do I make a linked list?

Dialators chained together.

struct Node {
value: T,
next: Option,

Go is almost as performant as C/C++/Rust while having GC. It's simple and easy without too much bloat and nice dependency management.

It's just 50 pages of documentation, bro

yes, if you want to transition

And now a doubly linked list?

>almost as performant as C/C++/Rust
Four times as slow, right?
Last I heard Java (and therefore Kotlin?) was a bit faster, and I expect it's also on par with Swift.

struct Node {
value: T,
next: *mut Self,
prev: *mut Self,
Just like C. (Including the safety guarantees of C, unfortunately.)