Okay, i fell for the meme

Now what?

Attached: 2022-02-15-154106_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 1.69M)

Other urls found in this thread:


lick my scrotum

Waste hours compiling Firefox

cd .
cd ..
cd code
cd ..

emerge firefox-bin

got the reference

woman moment

Now you use it, just as you would with any other operating system. It's a tool to get shit done, not a meme.


Attached: basedman.gif (498x350, 1.85M)

it's a double sided sword. half a meme half usable.

I actually went "fuck it" and installed it because I wanted to expand my knowledge in Linux. This is my second day using gentoo and I think I understand how most things work. Peeps who say it's hard really need to learn how to read

I'm sorry you wasted your time installing it, but you can always do the second best thing and ditch it while you can.
Gentoo provides no concrete benefit in 99% of use cases, and in 100% of desktop/laptop use cases.

Once you learn how Gentoo works you'll truly appreciate its power and flexibility
Use it as your daily driver for a few months and you'll have grasped the fundamentals
Been on Gentoo for 5-6 months now, and I'm hopping to another distro. Gentoo is just too good.

... was it worth it?

Amazing, it's almost like binary software distribution serves a purpose.

>and I'm hopping to another distro
never hopping to*

I can use my computer just fine even when firefox is compiling

yeah, shit's customizable like hell.

I ain't compiling trannyfox on a dual core.

>using kitty terminal by Kovid Goyim

why would i use gentoo when it doesnt have jellyfin server?

emerge chromium and rust

>uses binary for software that he uses the most and waste time compiling irrelevant libraries and software that he uses here and there
absolute state of gentoofags


literally this, gentoo serves a niche but Any Forums and redditors will use it as a toy

You will have 99 problems, but incompatible libraries ain't one.

I am using Nightly and I sure aint gonna compile it every 12 hours.

lads what's a decent and not entirely cucked browser that doesn't require p*lseaudio? (and ideally doesn't take 3 days to compile)

firefox-bin with pulseaudio flag disabled

you may as well install arch, because you not getting any benefits of gentoo


cool story bro but i'm not switching to systemd and unstable packages

works on my machine

Attached: file.png (943x137, 24.84K)

I still need apulse for this, right?
pic related

Attached: pepe looking at camera.jpg (976x850, 57.91K)