So I've switched from emacs to vim after using emacs for about 3 years, and my god, this shit is so much better...

So I've switched from emacs to vim after using emacs for about 3 years, and my god, this shit is so much better. It's an actual text editor, and it isn't bloated to shit. How can people say emacs is better? Unless you "live in emacs", which is a concept I hate, vim just seems 10x better and integrates much more seamlessly into everything else you do on linux.

I guess my question is, why do you use emacs over vim?

>Evil mode
Doesn't change the fact that emacs is bloated and just doesn't really care about unix philosophy that much. Not only that, but evil mode turns into this weird game where some packages work with it, and some don't, and the whole thing just feels flimsy as fuck.

Attached: vim_emacs.png (1204x541, 129.49K)

they're both equally terrible. people that shill these programs so fucking hard have mental disabilities.

The only good modern text editor is Vscode.

Didn't ask, + both vim and emacs are better than your onions cuck shit.


I disagree with many points you've raised, but man, if vim's better for you then vim's better for you.
Should have tried both vim and emacs instead of sticking to one deal only and thus suffering from a way of things you don't like.

>Should have tried both vim and emacs
Did you even read my post?

>I disagree with many points you've raised
Care to elaborate? That's the whole point of the thread.

>and thus suffering from a way of things you don't like.

>Did you even read my post?
He means you should've tried both instead of waiting three years and then switching dumbass

> Did you even read my post?
Yes; but you've tried vim only now. Should have done so from the beginning.
> Care to elaborate? That's the whole point of the thread.
Vim's editor, emacs's a lisp interpretor with a lot of emacs lisp built in (i.e. bloat). You like the former and dislike the latter, yet've stuck with Emavs for a time instead of going straight to Vim.

I did, though. In fact, I used vim for about a year before going over to emacs, just never really learned it properly.

What can I say? Don't fall for Any Forums memes next time.

you did not use emacs for 3 years. youre either lying or one of those folks who take decions based on what other people say.
>emacs is bloated
explain what do you mean by bloat. emacs is an elisp interpreter with text editor built in. if you dont want some functionality during startup, remove the filje correspindi ti the actioin. i unirinically think that vim is more bloated but has less customizablity than emacs and quite frankly, vim is not fun to use.
ofcourse ill admit that i have not use vim for anything other than quick editing some text files.

No, I actually like that emacs is an interpreter. I just dislike it's so unfocused and bloated.

Vim is shit just like other text editors: The only reason im using it over other text editors is visual block and regexes.
God i hate vim keyboard shortcuts, they are borderline retarded... But then again, can't live without visual block and regexes


Attached: 1598033453864.png (1280x800, 126.93K)

A consequence of being an old and popular envuronment.
Afaik there are "minimal" distributions of emacs, but I've not tried them.

fuck off

>explain what do you mean by bloat.
You know full well what I mean, I mean shipping with things like a web browser, image viewer, and all that extra other shit with it. No, I don't want to real my email on emacs. I used Org mode and that was about it.

>i unirinically think that vim is more bloated
Literally how? Have you cloned emacs' repo lately? Because I have.

>vim is not fun to use.
I prefer using terminal utilities way more than opening a new program, so I disagree. Ironically, the reason why I stopped using emacs was because I switched over to linux.

How exactly has your workflow improved? Need some concrete examples

>I prefer using terminal utilities way more than opening a new program, so I disagree
So run emacs in a terminal?

Vim is much more lightweight for that kind of workflow.

Obsessing less about the editor and, hotkeys, and terminal. I don't think it's objectively better or anything like that, but for me, having the chance to just open up my terminal and doing everything I want to do there development wise has been great.

As a vimfag I've never heard of someone going to emacs from vim.