Post drink that gets you through long programming hours

I can't stop drinking this unicorn piss

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Instant coffee
No cream
No sugar
All motor oil.
Or if I'm feeling fruity a Starbucks girly matcha drink.

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nice things are fruity and girly? oh like flavored alcohol? hmmmm society blows

I like my coffee how I like my women. Thicc, black and bitter.

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Does any outsider of Spain has ever tastes this turbo caffeine shot? This shit goes directly into your veins after leaving the best taste in your mouth. 10/10 fuck everyone that doesn't drink toroloco.

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Ice water. It's the only thing I drink with any regularity anymore especially while working.


Ebin :Ddd

the yellow monster can or if im lazy coffee from a keurig with that coldstone creamer for coffee on it

Maybe a glorious cup of tea.
Stay healthy out there anons. Bring high testosterone into programming and make it inhospitable to sjw faggots.

Bang just has way too much caffeine, starts tasting gross after a bit. Been back on monster lately when I need caffeine and for that nostalgia factor

I started drinking monster ironically as a dogwhistle even though I thought it tasted like shit and now I actually enjoy it, shits probably taking years off my lifespan. Whichever marketing guy came up with the idea of memeing it here made a smart choice.


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funny you should should mention dog whistles... Even if it's retarded for a faggot like me to end up so far right

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oliet cherry Bang's

ew that res tf

monster is a dogwhistle?

eh? I mean I kinda see where they were coming from, but I don't normally think about it being one


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I drink water, tea, coffee, fizzy water or occasionally a sugar free fizzy drink like dandelion & burdock or lemonade.

for what even? basically everyone i know that drinks it is a normie

my assumption is the dude meant whatever fucking flavour of far right. Really though I personally know commies, normies, and fascists that all drink it pretty regularly

fuck this res cunt

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Tenty rupeez sar