Create nothing

>Create nothing
>Contribute to nobody
>Make money off reviewing products others designed, created, and put up for sale
>Do it on a platform others have made
>Pay nothing to be on that platform
>Have no stake or ownership in products you review or the platform on which you host your reviews
>If you have adblock, it's piracy
>On this platform that people watch videos on for free, where my video is hosted without cost to me under the the direct and explicit understanding that the viewers contribute to me via metrics (views, rates, comments) without any agreement whatsoever between the viewer and the content creator
>If you do not watch the ad, you are a pirate (HurrDurr I don't mean pirate as illegal I mean pirate as in har de har, which is also illegal but let's not get into that because I"m a retarded fucking leaf of no value to society)
Why are 'content creators' so fucking entitled? First there was a shitstorm around that chick who literally screeched at people for not donating to her if they've bought a coffee before, to this fuckwit's retarded take that watching youtube videos is piracy and then after the backlash doubling down and going "I don't mean piracy as in piracy, I meant piracy as in piracy" and it's always these fuckwitted cunts who became millionaires of literally doing nothing.

Attached: Linus_Tech_Tips_net_worth_50_million_usd.jpg (1684x947, 182.19K)

His opinions are only relevant for a few months before new product comes out where he can rinse and repeat. He is a mooch on society.

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>Create nothing
Ah, I see you are one of those ganoo puls kind of guy

no one cares about dollar store deadmau5

>>If you have adblock, it's piracy
And then he was caught using a pirated copy of OCCT. Worthless faggot.

>Ah, I see you are one of those ganoo puls kind of guy
The fuck are you talking about? He creates nothing. He puts out a video from a stationary camera of him unboxing a product created someone else created and put it up on a host someone else created. What the fuck did he create? A review? An opinion is not a creation. If your "worth" disappears with a power outage, you've no value.
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about because I don't speak ebonics but if you wanna come up with any kind of argument I'll hear you out.

Just because you sucked my dick doesn't mean you can talk to me that way, Tim. Since we're saying random names and phrases.

and I hate his faggoty way to speak

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He's a race traitor.

boom boom thread

>make videos for dumb zoomers
>lie and get money and free stuff to "review"
>sell boatloads of overpriced merchandise to zoomers

Attached: LTT Fan Meetup.jpg (1538x783, 150.45K)

Attached: ltt.jpg (1728x2160, 1.36M)

It's funny how little self-awareness he has.
Bet you he's gonna end up being one of those full on anti-vaxxer cunts if his daughter ends up being one of the insignificant numbers of kids that end up retarded because of vaccines. Cunts like this only have "logic" while they're benefiting from it. The second one thing happens to them that opposes logic, they switch sides at the flip of a dime.

I like Linus, when people ask me shit about computers and I don't want to be bothered I tell them to flock to him. Basically any time some boomer asks me for shit with their 'son who is good with computers' I just point to him,

These people are why they pushed the vaccine so hard. You can smell the lack of general health through the screen.

Look, if he just shut the fuck up and did that, I would like him too. He's why I started building my own PCs more than ten years ago, but it's this fucking I don't know, I'm sure there's a proper term for it, but for the lack of my knowledge let's call it the fame delusion. Where people's belief that they are right, is in direct correlation to the amount of people who know about them. Like "I'm famous, so I need to share my political/economical/scientific knowledge with other people" And it's always "knowledge" not "opinion" because he's an e-celeb, he now acts as if everything he says is a fact. Just because you dropped a couple mutts and took a vaccine shot doesn't make you a fucking expert on global sociopolitical issues, keep your head down and shut the fuck up.

>"I'm famous, so I need to share my political/economical/scientific knowledge with other people"
people who are successful or skilled in one thing assume they are going to be successful and skilled in another, and it is rarely, if ever, true
see also:
elon musk: I'm good at making electric cars, I should get into becoming an ISP and creating cyberpunk wetware mods
joe rogan: I'm good at kicking guys in the face, I should get into political commentary and healthcare policy
every pro athlete: I'm good at sports, I should get into venture capital investing
every talk show host: I'm good at reading from a teleprompter, I should get into having my own opinions
retarded, all

He creates enough anger in you to complain about another man on an image board. Fucking loser lmao. You guys are so pathetic. He has "created" an empire while you hate the guy for no reason. Take a shower and consider exercise.

>He creates enough anger in you
I fell no anger at all. And if you really wanna go into psychology, why the fuck are you taking random lines of text on the internet and attributing emotions to them?

I agree that lionel is a white woman but since when do vaccines make you mentally retarded
>yo-you will take ze shower and eat ze bugs and have good hygiene

Spoken like a true anonymous image board user

>Vaccine bad, m-muh freedoms
LMG is a private company and you're free to work somewhere else if you don't wanna get it

>since when do vaccines make you mentally retarded
Vaccines have a mathematically negligible chance to stunt the development of brains in infants, I think it's something like one in a million or some shit like that. It pretty much only happens when the doctor goes full retard and gives a baby all the immunization shots in one go or if the baby already had a compromised immune system. But anti-vaccine parents use it as the holy grail argument of why they refuse to get any vaccination for their children at any age.

Mandating vaccination is infringing on the basic human right of choice. Are you seriously oblivious of the number of lawsuits currently ongoing against companies trying to mandate vaccinations? There's a reason so many people are protesting.
I bet you anything these same faggots that are demanding everyone be vaccinated are the same cunts that twenty years ago would have refused to make a cake for a gay couple because "muh relgious freedumbs"