You're a user

You're a user.

Attached: 1644457353539.png (976x850, 502.09K)

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Even when programming, I'm just an API user.

Attached: 1644439714894.gif (350x368, 1.99M)

An abuser to be exact.


Attached: 8hggje50w4441.jpg (350x401, 16.91K)

no im system maintainer
i maintain my own desktop pc with arch linux installed

they're turning me into a sysadmin
I applied for brainless webshit work damn it

Attached: 1640990155101.jpg (250x254, 27.93K)


Attached: 1616972711515.jpg (420x420, 107.69K)

You're a luser.

I'm root at home, but dockerplebuser at work

I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here...

you sure sound like you do

Ok, and?

I am root.

You're a used

You will always be the user of someone else

Of your mom.

> mv /usr /bin

I'm also a mess, a loser, and a hater.

I usered you're mom

Attached: 1634517653571.jpg (828x714, 281.53K)

>const squareContainer = document.querySelector('.square-container');
>const bottomLine = document.querySelector('.bottom-line');

>function fullLength() { = '100%';

>function noLength() { = '0';

>squareContainer.addEventListener('mouseenter', fullLength);
>squareContainer.addEventListener('mouseleave', noLength);

What if I want to do the same with multiple divs with the class '.square-container'.

i am many things