Is it cool yet?

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run bys israeli gov

Not really, stop parroting shit you don't understand
It'll be good in several years when dendrite is usable and it leaks metadata less. It's not bad now, I run a server for irl friends and family and it's a lot of fun, very useful, and everyone has better peace of mind about talking to each other on the internet. I'm surprised how much of a change it made for my siblings especially.

Has it finally implemented native group calls?
Have they finally gotten Dendrite to a useable state?
Does it finally not leak as much meta data?
If the answer to all of these questions is yes then it is, if not it continue to remain trash.

The answer to all is "kind of." They use jitsi for calls, dendrite is buggy but theoretically usable, and metadata is... less bad.

What phone software do you use?

this, i stick to xmpp

>nobody on it except autists and trannies
>usually autistic trannies

no its not

I don't do anything on my phone these days if I can help it. I used to use the element app from the playstore but I never fully trusted it.

What about your family? or the play store version. Eventually I'll get around to hosting my own instance of the frontend.

matrix is bloat

Jitsi isn't native and in my opinion it's the largest issue at the moment. I agree dendrite can at least be used even if you will encounter bugs at some point. Jitsi is just total dogshit.

Are you using synapse and how's the resource usage?

I think it's a good thing to have two competing standards of matrix vs xmpp, the competition forces both to try harder. That's capitalistm baybeee. Also matrix israeli tranny devs impliment group calls when??

>impliment group calls when??
literally never

do you use xmpp to talk to friends and family or is it used for talking with other strangers as well? i'd like to know where i can find tech communities or any and where to register

jami is a nice messenger too

im mildly autistic, im schizophrenic, and im spending 20 hours a day with shitposting and telling trannies that they will never be real women.
and yes matrix is cool, check out and the imperium of midov. pic related.
another funny thing is that "bridges" exist, that means i can shitpost on irc, p*sscord, matrix, and telegram all at once, without even using those platforms because they suck. telegram and pisscord are proprietary so i would never use them. irc is old legacy shit and bad for shitposting and insulting troons.
to make things clear, was funded by an israeli company known as amdocs, which probably has ties to the mossad. its not feeding them money anymore from what i know, and is just one homeserver - a large one and a shitty one. its the janitor playground.
avoid, its ran by a ftm tranny known as "matthew" (powerword mattjew), and the main (paid) janny - a homosexual adult male - known as travis (powerword faggis).
nobody knows what metadata they collect either, so i would just refuse to federate with them. matrix is a free protocol so they couldnt implement anything nasty in it without anyone noticing. if they did, then people can fork it and remove it.
nope. still embeds jitsi.
dendrite is usable for some simple shitposting, people are playing around with it at the moment.
there isnt much that leaks if you encrypt your shit. room id, room name and pfp, description i think?
events such as reactions arent encrypted, and thats pretty much it.
my fedposting itself is protected.
gtk broken, qt depending on nonfree qt5 webkit (chromium) - unusable.

No and it will never be.

two weeks more

for geeks and nerds who want to run a server for whatever reason

session is the secure messenger that even normies can use

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Does it have legal cheese?