What are some most cryptography-applicable languages?

what are some most cryptography-applicable languages?

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This thread is already shit

C if you want to do guaranteed broken cryptography
Rust if you want to do potentially-broken cryptography
No other languages are at all viable

cope more.

why not python.

>C bad, C insecure
when its written by utter retards (like you) who dont understand what they're doing, yeah
gpg is written in C

so what's your take.

use C if you're confident in what you're writing


if you're confident in your crypto implementation it's definitely broken

When I thought PHP was a crack pipe I thought it was more accurate.
Assembly is a scalpel. Also OP is a faggot and a lisplet

i wanna work at state cyber security so i'd like to learn what they would most likely require from me.

never said to be confident in your crypto lol. point is that if you dont know the difference between struct->field and struct.field, you shouldn't be writing C

>this isn’t even the worst delusion of the ruatranny

and gpg is trash

I did cyber in the military. Reversers used assembly language and C a lot, everyone used Python to automate things. But most people didn’t code. Thinks like configuring firewalls and splunk and forensic tools were more common.

i want to be top dog there, dealin w some of the most high-level cryptography things like state secrets.

This, OP is too much of a brainlet if he couldn't comprehend simple Lisp and Haskell.

lisp is more like eating finger food while retards watch and lose their shit because "wtf ur hands are getting dirty!!!"


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>I can't come up with a single good reason for X so I'll contrive a million bad reasons to dismiss everything else
holy mother of cope