Leetcode challenges us to a tree problem in the daily challenge

>leetcode challenges us to a tree problem in the daily challenge
Rust sisters, assemble!

Attached: ru.png (1665x715, 190.06K)


>30th percentile time
>middle of the road memory
pathetic retard

Welcome to functional programming.

How high of a percentile would you say someone would have to consistently hit on leetcode to get a job with no formal coding experience? If someone was decently talented, would it be a viable way to get a junior role at a random company?
Assume non-autist, normal looking for the sake of argument.

None in particular. It's not a reliable metric because people can just go to the solutions board and copy+paste it, maybe with a couple trivial changes.

>30 lines of code needed 2700KB of memory to run
am i reading this right

Rust just sucks for this kind of thing. Anything involving custom data structures and it's more trouble than it's worth.

So that brief period a few years ago where people were getting job offers based on their leetcode and/or stackoverflow profiles is pretty much ancient history at this point?

Perhaps. I do it just for fun. In any case, I haven't got any job offer yet.

it more or less shows that you knew the particulars of the problem rather than the just solving the problem in the naive way. I sometimes get like a 90+ percentile speed and memory on stuff that I wasnt all the way sure would even handle all the test cases, or can't even get certain things to pass due to being too slow. Maybe I'm a midwit.

Attached: 20220205_194728.png (400x476, 224.83K)

In J this is just
] tree =: 1 ; (2 ; (3 ; '' ; '') ; '') ; (< 4 ; ''; '')
| ||2|+-+++||||4||||
| || ||3||||||+-+++|
| || |+-+++||| |
| |+-+-----++| |
L. tree

>11 posts
>no C++ posts

functional morons need to keep their noses out of performance critical programming domains

Well obviously. The call stack is too easy to blow with recursion in production code.


the runtime results speaks for itself


Are you fucking retarded?
Why is Any Forums is so fucking retarded?
Do you know how many numbers and tests the code went through? Where is the main? What variables were setup for internal testing/error handling?
Fucking retard

The simplicity and lack of any errors also speaks for itself ;)

yep. rust is just that god damn awful
so.. main and other wild guesses are over 1mb? oh yeah, perfectly normal. right. rust trannies are delusional.
>The simplicity and lack of any errors also speaks for itself ;)
what did the coping rust tranny mean by this? there's no escape from the fact that rust is utter garbage ;)