They wrote a whole book on how to implement a linked list in rust

They wrote a whole book on how to implement a linked list in rust

Attached: rust.jpg (540x638, 51.6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Linked lists are terrible data structures.
this is ropium

Attached: ropium.png (1152x719, 582.31K)


A NEET wrote this

>Doubly-linked lists are hard, and I always make a mistake somewhere.
Imagine thinking linked fucking lists are a complex data structure

unicode, whats that? C-strings are gr- (segmentation fault: core dumped)

It is in Rust.

>pre-refcell reference
rent free

>before rust
>after rust

checks out

lmao, that pic is unirocally correct. it's what i hate about modern languages, there's 50 fucking ways to do the same shit.

Because a provable-safe-at-runtime graph is hard. You know, Rust can do a linked list in exactly the same way C/C++ can, right?

>language can't implement it
>write entire diatribe against it
I don't mind the Rust language, but the way it's proponents act is quite appalling.

Lists are not useful in any way and their performance is abysmal. Use proper data structures instead.

that's an unrealistic transition.
your height and hands can't change.

It's called HRT, sweaty.

Because problems are different and require different solutions

this has been debunked already

>Using an older toolchain is possible, but unlocks a secret hardmode, where you get extra compiler errors that go completely unmentioned in the text of this book. Wow, sounds like fun!

imagine actually living in redditmerica and listening to redditspeak all day.

>t. high on copium
>import solution

So what advantage do linked lists have over an array or vector?

Don't have to be contiguous in memory

This , but linked list is also a simple version of an oriented graph, which definitely has its uses. If rust has issues with linked lists, I doubt it does any better with graphs.