Covid QR Green Pass

I know I can't create my own green pass as they are encrypted and a crime to do so but still I'd like to try to make my own (to prove a couple of folks wrong) with a bogus key:

I was able to make a decryptor in python by just being a code monkey:

#! /usr/bin/python python3
import json
import zlib
import sys
import base45
import cbor2
from cose.messages import CoseMessage

payload = sys.argv[1][4:]
print("decoding payload: " + payload)

# decode Base45
decoded = base45.b45decode(payload)

# decompress using zlib
decompressed = zlib.decompress(decoded)

# decode COSE message (no signature verification done)
cose = CoseMessage.decode(decompressed)

# decode the CBOR encoded payload and print as json
print(json.dumps(cbor2.loads(cose.payload), indent=2))

Thing is i know shit about COSE and encryption so I have no Idea on how to encode it can you help me out?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-01-25 at 02-07-10 certificado-digital-covid-ue pdf.png (432x436, 78.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Watch as jannies ban an actual technology thread for "illegal under US law" (despite green passes not falling under US juristiction)

Doing God's work user. Which country are you doing it for?

Attached: -69ki7b.jpg (600x600, 108.83K)


I'm not doing it for illegal purposes just to test this shit HOWEVER if our socialist majority country decides to be authoritarian I'll fucking go to the depths of hell to get a fake one. I'm not submitting myself to be excluded from society because I don't jab myself every 270 days.

But I'm genuinely curious on how this works. I always found QR codes pretty cool and confy

Just do it in reverse, and pass along cose parameters for keys (don't know this one)

encoded = CoseMessage.encode(...)
compressed = zlib.compress(encoded)
b45text = base54.b45encode(compressed)

sent ;)

SIS is not the authority responsible for it in Portugal nice try faggot

Attached: oh nooo.png (1160x1190, 1.02M)

yeah yeah, enjoy being in a cell with tyrone, portugrease



A politician should hang from every lamppost in brussels in minecraft

People still care about covid?
That shit happened 2 years ago lmao

It's kinda hard not to care when you can't eat at a fucking restaurant without doing a covid test.

Not only this but all the stigma that comes from not wanting an mRNA jab

Each day I agree more and more with the post-soviet mindset of 'all politicians should be in jail.'

Anyway, you're not getting anywhere without a key, I assume that most health care workers just use a platform that requires credentials to generate these, you're better off spending your time cracking the authentication to that, assuming it doesn't have some sort of 2FA it shouldn't be hard. Find out the URL for that and I might help you out.

Yeah I know that hece the beginning of the OP. I just want to generate a random Key to test the tech

forgery most likely violates US laws

Not forging, not US, don't even have a key for making the COSE

This might help you:
If you still have trouble, ask.

As far as I understand the generates bogus keys,
How do you feed them into tho?