Your editor

>your editor
>do you trust the autosave or hit save after every minor change?

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I don't use autosave, would just randomly trigger builds that could contain syntax errors if I'm in the middle of something, but I trust it to not randomly clear changes I've made if I exit the editor.

so default sublime?

Pretty much

There is no reason not to save constantly

it doesn't autosave

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This. I exclusively use nano or Kate. Everything else is bloat or placebo hacker tier.

I generally trust sublime. I trust Xcode less, but I’m building all the time anyway.

Are you a schizo? There is no difference between autosave and manual save.
Do you trust a shortcut to open the same file?
Do you trust any program will run?

wait, there's autosave outside of video games?

but nano is for homosexuals

Auto save on focus-lost
Only issue is that I sometimes have to remember to focus out to manually trigger a save
Or just hit ctrl+s myself if I don't want to focus out
But most of the time it just werks

i exit vim by pulling the power cord out of my pc
i trust autosave

>don't save at all,
>just keep the unsaved tabs indefinitely

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No auto save in vim just a temp file with the changes. I don't save a ton on vim.

Surely you've read the source of your editor to verify that it issues an fsync() on both the file and the containing directory whenever it saves a file, right?

i am homosexual


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i just ctrl-s after every line written, barely even notice it too

Only on VS CODE
On JetBrain IDE's I never click CTRL + S

I press Ctrl+O, Enter after every new line, sometimes I do it three times like a nervous tic.
I even do it in my web browser, it opens the Open File dialog instead.

You open the file after every new line?