

Attached: Captura de Tela (6).png (1920x1080, 153.1K)

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if we had a python compiler C is finished

Extra whitespace for dramatic effect with a dash of fucky indentation. I like your style, OP. 7/10.

>Using OEM windows image
Oh user… HP is vell known for their spyware.

Attached: 1500152117388.png (339x319, 138.01K)

with .Net 6.0 a lot of code is reduced too

Why it's GetMax on the left and getmax on the right?

Yes, left is programming language and right scripting language, huehue porto.

Now, try to make graphical window along your shitty function.

Attached: 1643058207649.gif (500x500, 800.27K)

no difference + c# common practice

naming conventions of those langs are different

scripting language used for literal machine learning

Attached: 1644444169584.jpg (597x768, 114.23K)

wtf python is so good

Wtf?! And you guys told me C++ looks like shit.

>he things machine learning something astro psychic super duper impossible
ngmi. There are machine learning libraries for C# too.

>VS Code

Ahh why MS pajeets win again aaaah?!!

Nice nails.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-13 at 15-49-28 C++ Output (Print Text).png (223x173, 4.85K)

print(max(4, 6))

user, that's not PyTorch.

in common lisp this is just
(print (max 4 6))

the fact that it's even possible doesnt make it just a scripting lang. sure, it can be used for it, due to it's simple syntax and scripts normally not requiring crazy performance, but still...

Attached: 1644687510137.png (409x411, 197.64K)

This looks thousand times better than c#

> values aren't seperated by a comma


Attached: 1644083621280.png (721x622, 81.32K)

just accept it. its scripting language. Programming languages do need these extra factors. Python just starts to read file top to bottom.
yup. its better

Basically the same in Python

t. autist

no it doesnt as

Attached: data1.png (764x579, 856.21K)

its just a list, the first item is the function name i want to call and the rest are arguments

not a single post in this thread makes any sense.
you're all retarded.
Also nobody has BTFO'd OP with the top-level modern C# solution yet which is gay

man i love vscopium

dotnet new console --force && echo static int GetMax(int num1, int num2) =^> num1 ^> num2 ? num1 : num2; Console.WriteLine(GetMax(4, 6)); > Program.cs && dotnet run

I assume literally all those packages are written in C

using System;

public class Program
public static int GetMax(params int[] x)
return x[0]>x[1]?x[0]:x[1];

public static void Main()

You won.

That's not top level statements.
int GetMax(params int[] x) => x.Max();

Console.WriteLine(GetMax(4, 6));

This is a valid modern C# program and will compile thanks to top level statements and implicit usings.