
Someone once told me that Python is the programming language for the layperson.

To what extent is that statement accurate?

Attached: download (9).jpg (225x225, 8.77K)

Its this generation's VB6

It's about as bad as C "++".


What's a faster alternative to python?

Depends on what you mean by faster. Te answer could vary from "literally everything" to "Ruby"

20 years ago VB was peddled as the language for lay personnel to engage in RAD. Now that it is dead, python is the replacement. Its basically pseudocode.

runtime speed

look into cython if you want to make mathematical functions be faster

I think everything is faster than Python except for Ruby.

Cython is a meme. Use C.

Still slower than Javascript. Kek.

>you have to learn another language on top of Python and C
>slow compile times
>very easy to fuck up, because it allows an arbitrary amount of Python
>not as powerful as just writing it in C
Just write a C module.

Python is the slowest


the layperson does not program not even in python

>layperson -> lazy person
Now it's accurate.

To the extent that the language is popular in colleges and universities. Python is actually more difficult compared to other languages like Javascript.

you can embed it in python
what its built for
python/cython is not slow

>vb6 compared to python
oh fuck off


If python were actually worthless, could you still use it in place of pseudocode and then on completing a project/running into runtime errors, replace relevant sections of code with something faster?