There's only two problems in computer science: naming things, cache invalidation, and off by one errors

There's only two problems in computer science: naming things, cache invalidation, and off by one errors

Attached: binarytrees.jpg (1200x627, 237.34K)

Ofc 1

what the fuck is a binary tree bros

Get off Any Forums for 3 months until you learn all the CS basics

It grows fruits known as "bytes", which are used to make a slimly gray paste. It solidifies into something we know as "SSDs".

>implying Any Forumstards know what a binary tree is.

Does Any Forums even get the joke?

is a tree of decisions with 2 choices hence binary
dont act like is esoteric knowledge fucking retards

> esoteric knowledge
But Any Forums is muh secret club

>did data structures and algorithms last year and got a first
>already forgotten most of this stuff

Attached: 1587139524563.jpg (719x720, 61.28K)

I'd tell you a UDP joke but I'm not sure you'd get it.

You're right, RB trees are much more esoteric

Attached: RBTreeExample.png (830x506, 46.74K)

I am pretty sure I already got it, based UDP

Also scope creep.

left if as structure
right if as reference

literally dont know a single one of them and i have a masters in CS

how many FP tards here
can write a garbage collector?

trees are gay as fuck, oh somebody inserted/deleted deleted something? well let me spend 10 fucking minutes sucking off dicks and juggling balls to get everything back in order
here's your hash, your item is located there

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every computer problem is a kitten vs cattle problem

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