Recommended books thread

Can we have a recommended Any Forums books thread? I'll start with this, because everybody aspiring to become a tech lead or team architect is reading this. Any language or tech is welcome.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Quantative trading by Ernest P. Chan

ddia is really good.
others I liked:
- 3d math primer for game programming (now free)
- database internals (pretrov)
- architecting cloud-native applications (if you're into that)
- xchg eax,eax
- mythical manmonth

made me get up to look at my library you fucker (but buy it later if you like it don't be a nigger)

>- xchg eax,eax
xchg rax,rax
ffs, wrong register size
also the ray tracer challenge when you inevitably become jaded of webshit and other boring programming

Does this talk about math?
Pretty shit reviews on goodreads, 3.7
What did you like about it?

i didn't even read it, i just wanted to discretely bump this thread

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why does 2+2=5986?
Practical C
author :Steve Oualline
publisher : O'Reilly

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Does anybody have any good Blockchain-related books to recommend? I'm reading Mastering Ethereum, pretty good but I'm sure it's missing tons of stuff.

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NO ! Fuck off to Any Forums

Books for DevOps anyone?
t.absolute beginner

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>buy it later if you like it

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>Ka-ching, ear wax

Any good Haskell books?

>Effective Java by Joshua Bloch
Joshua Bloch is the designer of the Java collections framework and holds a doctorate from somewhere prestigious. This is NOT a book for beginners and has very little hand-holding. The first item/rule is some shit about singletons.

Yes, it’s a meme. I got it though and the first 20 pages or so already blew my mind. The stuff on mega-circular interpreters and Curry’s paradox / the Y-combinator is still something I’m thinking over.

>Gödel, Escher, Bach
Just the section on Floop, Bloop, and Turing completeness.
It also has good coverage of Gödel Incompleteness, but this is probably too math-y for most of you.
Very interesting shit if you ever get into Haskell and stronger type checkers.

>Designing Data Intensive Applications
required reading if you want to crack system design interviews at FAANG

>”Elements of Programming Interviews In Java”
If you’re on the leetcode grind, this book is referred to as an “advanced” version of “Cracking the Coding Interview”

>The Algorithm Design Manual
Another good book for the leetcode grinders. It’s basically “Introduction to Algorithms” by Cormen without the in-depth math proofs that the algorithms do what they’re supposed to do

>”Introduction to Algorithms” by Cormen
You probably already have this.
Give it another skim.
Know the difference between Dynamic Programming and Greedy algorithms? You’ll have to know if you ever want to be able to crack a google interview, and this book explains each separately and in-depth.

>Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
If you like any AI/ML shit at all, this is the encyclopedia to find the jumping off point for the exact topic you’re thinking of. Reinforcement Learning, A* search, Prolog shit about horn clauses/systems of propositional logic, text-based information retrieval, even some neural nets stuff should be in there

>”Learn yourself a haskell for great good”
Beginner book
>”Real World Haskell”
Intermediate book
>”what I wish I knew when learning haskell”
Advanced book

You should maybe get a book on Category Theory

>”Developing web apps with Haskell and Yesod”
A cool book for a web framework for Haskell if that’s a thing you’re looking for. Yesod has scaffolding just like Rails IIRC.

Eta is for if you have any interest in getting Haskell to run on the JVM.

The first 3 books are just from either that lisp thread or the general thread for functional programming

>every O'Reilly book has animals on the front cover
>Linux always has cowboys

Get Programming With Haskell

>>”Real World Haskell”
Half of this book was broken by language changes in the last 10 years

Tanenbaum's Systems books are quite good.

> Cathedral and the Bazaar
> Hackers
> The Kollected Kode Vicious
> Coders at Work
Relaxed culture readings

A nice computer organization book

> The Architecture of Open Source Applications
The execution leaves a bit to be desired but its a nice excursion through various design decisions.

> The Little Schemer and related books
Fun little books on functional programming related things

> Algorithms by Dasgupta
Another from the leetcode grindset

> Head First Git
Or some other book on the topic. Surprisingly, many people's mental model of how this works seems to be off.