Can we please recommend newbies good looking distros so they're not scared away from Linux when they think an ugly...

Can we please recommend newbies good looking distros so they're not scared away from Linux when they think an ugly distro like Mint is the best option

Attached: 1644733932455.jpg (1280x720, 137.49K)

What's ugly about Mint?

The best looking linux are either KDE or GNOME 2 (not 3 or above where they forced CSS themes) with custom themes. If you somehow don't want to customize then none of the default is good imo.

to be fair windows hasn't looked good either since 8
mate with yaru is a beautiful desktop

Default gnome looks good
Ubuntu looks way better than mint
Just continue recommending that

If you have to ask, you're in the wrong thread.

I see, I'll make sure to recommend them Puppy Linux

>Can we please
You come from reddit/youtube.
Get out faggot.

modern windows is so garish that it basically makes no difference

better somehing that just werks like xfce than some bloated crap that just looks good

those looks like shit
get manjaro xfce/kde/gnome

No, fuck newbies. They should just stick to Windows and Mac.

Attached: 1644675525944.png (2404x1260, 2.15M)

zoom zoom nigger faggot asshole

Come home... chinese man?

Attached: cutefish-os-ubuntu-control-center.jpg (1440x900, 44.46K)

>better somehing that just werks like xfce than some bloated crap that just looks good
and that's not what normies want, and for some reason OP wants more retard shiteaters coming to linux.

>proceeds gatekeeps new users and possible developers off the platform thanks to elitism
huh, guess this isn't the year.

I'm sorry but I tried Linux and it wasn't the looks that drove me away. It was the lack of any decent applications.

>Flatshit ui
>Good looking
Choose one

kubuntu is the best newbie distro imo

I'll never understand this mindset. If you enjoy something, continue to enjoy it regardless of the attention. It seems the only reason you enjoy things is because others aren't aware of it's existence. Just play the fucking game and ignore everyone else. Linux users really are a disingenuous bunch of hippocrates.

if you don't have any real need to use linux, fuck off. go find another interest to circlejerk with your buttbuddies over, faggot.

pacman -S xorg plasma-desktop