Linux mint red pill

What's with this linux mint hype all of a sudden? Something tells me that nsa is trying to use it as a honeypot.... so don't let your guard down user.

Always remember that linux mint has a systemd backdoor for nsa/fbi/cia thus not safe (basically on the same level with Windows, but less functional)

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stop shilling

stop shilling
t. void user

I'm a win10 user if what

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go back

>Always remember that linux mint has a systemd backdoor for nsa/fbi/cia thus not safe (basically on the same level with Windows, but less functional)

Show me where the backdoor is, you inept useless parroting fuck.

You can read code after making baseless accusations right, user? It’s just C and Python.

Sorry I forgot you’re a pathetic basement dwelling zoomer tranny faggot that is good at nothing in life and parrots everything without a thought of their own.

I’ll wait.

t. Arch chad

If systemd was truly pozzed then Greg KH, aka #2 highest dev for the Linux kernel after Linus, wouldn’t be using it.

CIA agent spotted kek

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As someone who has held Mint in high regard for a few years...I have no fucking clue where all the shills came from. It's a great distro for general usage that's hard to fuck up. It's not the second coming of Christ with blackjack and hookers.

glowie here

Only Snowden, Julian Assange or anyone being followed by the NSA or FBI would care. But wait, why did Ian Murdock kill himself again?
Stupid dilating tranny monkey faggot, go back to Redddit with your Reddit spacing.
Weak bait. You will never be a real woman, and the government will forever treat you like cattle.

Keep using your FOSS made by big American corporations where you never even checked if the code was pozzed, they're surely more secure because they're LE OPEN SOURCE THEY JUST ARE GOOD! In reality, like log4j, many unintentional AND intentional backdoors are in the wild.
This is common knowledge, and you're a retarded faggot shill with the brain of the dumbest monkey in the depths of trannyland.

just install windows 7 without updootes, only global trust certificates for the web browser.
glowies hate outdated telemetry

I have tried windows 7 with modern software. End up having two bsod's ...

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Bro, you should've taken the blue pill
It's better to live ignorant but happy than in constant, unbearable torment which you seem to be in.
I'll tell you what. Go install windows right now and backup your "fun stuff" with encryption like a normal human being. Then, try to speak with other human beings irl. You'll see your life get better. No more schizo rants on Any Forums
Are you backdoored with gates jerking of to your nigger on the webcam? Probably. Who cares we all die anyway. It's not worth it to live life in such misery completely shackled by this systemd schizo bs

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I’m still waiting you useless tranny faggots. The source code is right there.

Imagine, using "code" as an argument. OMEGA KEK !!! AHAHAH

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You still can’t prove me wrong, retard

>Being forced on every major distro
>Violates Unix philosophy
>Failed to respond to CVEs found in code
Either your a glowie or a retard, I don't know which one is worse.

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linux mint is for chads only. do not install if you are not a chad!

mint is good but i like fedora.

>2 days to learn how to use mint
>immediately CP.
because linux will totally protect you with pedophilia.

unrelated on the autistic shit flinging that is this thread, LMDE5 is being tested but i believe you can download the iso.

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