*registers your path*

*registers your path*

Attached: Regstry_Editor.png (600x356, 106.31K)

Awful creation.

Can't wait for all the retards that got filtered by this and GPO to come in here and seethe till we hit bump limit.

Attached: 1635665186951.png (400x350, 178.85K)

sounds like a knowledge issue

Tell me you're a braindead freetard without telling me you're a braindead freetard.
So many of your shitty hobby OS's even shittier workarounds for policy, configuration and management would disappear overnight if you had a registry(-alike), like every real OS has had for decades.

The registry is the most based invention ever. I wish more programs would use the registry for their configuration data instead of scattering it around in stupid files all over the place. The unix mentality and its consequences has been disastrous for my user folder and my Documents folder.

>provides no reason as to why the shit system is better
>says it's better because "MUH FREEEEETAARRRDS" strawman
Do microshills really?

It's been explained to you repeatedly for 30 years why. If you're too ideologically blinded (or more likely, simply too stupid) to understand it, that's nobody's problem but yours, freetard.

>config file

>config file stored next to EXE
>config file is also a custom format

Attached: 1640832358718.png (723x666, 162.64K)

>hooks the win32 api so that all your config file data is redirected to the registry
nothing personnell

At least its possible to edit system config without restarting everything. Updates to the registry take effect instantly.

>edit system config
only possible after Googling what you want and some pajeet telling you what DWORD to add in which mysterious labyrinthine registry location
>Updates to the registry take effect instantly.
each program usually loads settings from registry on startup (same with config files on Linux) so you have to restart that particular process.

>The registry is the most based invention ever.
No way to update multiple entries atomically. In the trash it goes!

>muh documents folder
>unix thing
that's not a unix thing

I'm talking about when running (((open sores))) programs on Windows that somehow think it's ok to litter all my folders with useless junk. Muh configuration files. Muh this and that.
Luckily on Windows I can hide that shit away using file properties without fucking editing the file name with a dot, like I'd have to do in YOONUX.

>weird undocumented gui checkbox vs a posix standart

>only possible after Googling what you want and some pajeet telling you what DWORD to add in which mysterious labyrinthine registry location
configuration on linux is only possible after googling what you want and some basedboy telling you what random config file entry you have to add to your config file in some random directory in /etc or /usr/local/etc or ~/.config or ~/.urMom/gay/nigger.conf, and every configuration file has a different syntax despite having the same file extension. LMAO
usually the label and hover caption of the check box is more than enough documentation, and if not, you can just open the .chm file for that particular application.

>hobby OS
What's wrong with having hobbies?

alright then, where is the thing responsible for hiding files? how does it work?

>hobby OS
>all the servers work on some sort of it