Do you capitalize your directory names, user?

do you capitalize your directory names, user?

Attached: file-manager-window.png (624x430, 54.12K)

no so i can easily access them from the terminal

you don't set your bashrc/zshrc to ignore capitalization?


Attached: Uppercase.png (962x601, 81.83K)

awesome stuff ian!

killer post Ian! glad you respect your Directories enough to capitalize them

my normie files yes

my more important files no, and i don't even use spaces because i had some problems with those earlier, i also tend to use a lot of abbreviations so that it's easier to write scripts

Yes, for all directiories except those in Git (e.g. projects or dotfiles).

windowschads win again
>capitalize in explorer
>access in CMD/Powershell in lowercase because no case sensitivity
when will you lincucks learn

>know literally nothing
>declare victory

Yeah cuz I’m stupid

typical pass user

>Capital directories, but lowercase name
What did ian mean by this

Yes cause my shell, fish, autocapitalize them anyway and they are easier to read IMO.

Attached: 1636256492728.jpg (850x983, 245.28K)

Is it an important file/folder that I will archive? Yes
Otherwise no

OP is asking about directories, not files or "folders", whatever that is

>linux users don't even know what a folder is
checks out. linux users don't do anything except browse the web.

Yes. I'm really autistic about SFN aliases bloating my directories.

This. Don't even consider telling them about reparse points - their microbrains will literally explode.

yes, it looks better
any reasonable shell can autocomplete irregardless of case
even bash can do it with two config lines
bind "set show-all-if-ambiguous on"
bind "set completion-ignore-case on"

Are you on a case-insensitive filesystem? This can be problematic due to filename case-insensibility.