/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

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is z80 or m68k asm easier im bored

I keep pressing 'q' to quit windows in vim because I'm used to emacs, what do I do?

>electricity is supposed to take "the path of least resistance"
>hit the circuit with a clipper lighter
>shocks my finger
>warps the plastic (?)
how does it work?


set up a macro to have Q hit ctrl+Q or something

micropython is the future of embedded

is that what she called it?


>High-order Virtual Machine (HVM) is a pure functional compile target that is lazy, non-garbage-collected and massively parallel. It is also beta-optimal, meaning that, in several cases, it can be exponentially faster than most functional runtimes, including Haskell's GHC.

Attached: EdFSDqdUMAE5N8a.png (800x900, 792.22K)

>he fell for the big electricity propaganda
circuits are filled with tiny wizards and they will defend themselves against outsiders

I am trying to write a haskell program that aligns all the "=" s on a indent level by padding spaces.
so far I have:

breatAtEq :: [Char] -> ([Char], [Char])
breatAtEq = break (\x -> x == '=')

padSpaces :: (String,String) -> Int -> String
padSpaces (s1,s2) n = s1 ++ spaces ++ s2
where spaces = replicate n ' '

but I need to find indentation levels and the further "=" in that level. Anyone can point me on how to detect indent levels? (or some better way of doing this)

Attached: johnxina.jpg (1440x810, 74.5K)

Does anyone know whose dick I have to suck to get man pages for Xlib on arch?


lmao, you really expect foundational libraries in linux to have real documentation?
you WILL stack overflow for examples
you WILL trial and error hopelessly
you WILL be happy

she called mine the Anaconda ;)

im gonna stab them w/ a rusty screwdriver #

also look
comic sans

Attached: image_2022-02-12_232321.png (232x86, 27.18K)

What's the difference between a DSL and a parser that reads a file with some specific syntax and does things based on each line?

>...in Rust
stopped right there

>a parser that reads a file with some specific syntax and does things based on each line
Technically, that's a DSL *interpreter*, not a DSL itself :^)

on gentoo it was simply a matter of enabling the doc use flag, then recompiling libX11, then equery f to see what man pages now are available. on arch maybe there's some aur script or something

>compile target
what is this

Think LLVM, but for a completely different class of language.

Made an extremely advanced website:


that looks incredibly shady

Xorg has a pdf manual. I also have the man pages because I can look for specific functions, however I'm a retard who can't use man properly, so there you go :)

That's not how the internet works user, going onto a website can't damage your computer.

class Person;
class PersonWithPogoStick;
class PersonWithUzi;
class PersonWithPogoStickAndUzi;
class PersonWithPogoStickUziAndPenis;
class PersonWithPogoStickUziAndVagina;
class PersonWithPogoStickUziPenisAndVagina;

you're right.
I'll click the link VERY soon :^)