Easy & Fast language

I want the best of both work. A solid programming language which lacks nothing. But an easy one with syntactic sugar that allows me to be more productive. And i don't wnat to make any concessions in terms of speed.

What's the closest programming language to that ideal?

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The best of both worlds*


Go or Rust

It doesn't exist
fags will say anything except JS or C/rust

ruby also exists fwiw


Are they productive languages? Can i build a heavy Applications relatively fast? Do they have that syntactic sugar i'm addicted to?

Isn't that the slowest language that exists out there?


I'm not asking for the ideal. I'm asking for the closest one to that ideal. The most balanced language in that regard.


Isnt that the most performant yet least productive language out there? I dont want an extreme or another. I want the most balanced language.

Productive, yes. But the slowest after Ruby i think. I want performance and productivity. Can a language get me that?

Why does the heavens gate guy remind me of Albert Fish, pic related?

Attached: a.jpg (334x500, 82.17K)

The heavens gate guy was just a depressive incel with schizophrenia like many people here. Albert Fish was a soulless beast with nothing human in him.

C++ has all the syntactic sugar youd want AND more. Pick C if ur a white man pick C++ if u want to just glide through the developmemt proces

Probably something like C#

It falls nicely in the middle of languages like C/C++ and Python while having more modern syntax and features than Java. You can use it to write CLI applicaitons, GUI applications, Backend (.aps.net core), Frontend (Blazor), games (Unity, Godot). It has static typing, access modifiers and namespaces that really help with multi-module projects and can prevent developers from shooting themselves to foot.

Downsides are mostly that you'll probably have to use bloated IDE (Visual Studio or Rider) or get really good with VSCode and dotnet cli. But to be honest these are probably among the best IDEs on the market for any language.

>C++ has all the syntactic sugar youd want AND more.

But is it productive? Can i build a heavy Application without loosing extra time? Does it have enough layers of abstraction? Does it make my life easy? And how performant is it?

>kind of interested in .NET stuff
>computer can't run windows
is java worth learning or should i stick with c++?