Mozilla partners with Facebook to create "privacy preserving advertising technology"

Is it over?

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no, it's not over. please find a new hobby, OP. we recognize you.

Yeah its over, the latest version of firefox are so fucking slow. Takes 10 seconds to start because of all the bloatware.

>Is it over?
Nope. In standard development, companies you don't like work with Mozilla all the time. Facebook worked with Mozilla to create the Binary AST proposal in 2019. There's a lot of odd pairings in the W3C, like mozilla and apple. Sony and microsoft, etc.

If you actually read the initial draft, IPA has a pretty strong threat model and its claimed privacy guarantees seem to hold up. It's definitely a lot better than Apple's Private Click Measurement which is a competing standard

maybe on your cum-scented twinkpad. takes half a millisecond on my 2019 laptop.

Even better, unlike Google's privacy sandbox or Brave's design, IPA doesn't change delivery, which means adblocking remains the same. IPA is a much narrower proposal and only touches attribution, which in terms of privacy, is the worst aspect of the current web ad model

it was over long ago

in relation to what exactly? the web circa 2000? then sure it's over. the web now? then you have to consider the alternatives that have already been proposed by the likes of google and what facebook is currently doing at this moment. is mozilla the champion savior of the open web? probably not. but given the current situation I don't shit on anyone for proposing alternatives

>be mozilla
>know ads are dogshit for privacy
>do something about it
> spergs and shits because of muh facebook engineers contributing to the design
>No one is even trying to actually debunk the math
you faggots are pretty much reddit now

Looks like it's time for me to enter a Brave New World.

Attached: Brave-logo-color-RGB_reversed.png (779x244, 15.99K)

Brave's business model is using a similar system as proposed by Mozilla for ad attribution. you are a retard

>There's a lot of odd pairings in the W3C, like mozilla and apple. Sony and microsoft, etc.
Damn, didn't know that.
I don't know but a company like Facebook isn't the first company that comes to my mind when it is about privacy.

Normally I'd agree with you but this isn't really "facebook", its some engineers at facebook. I like to believe there's some good guys that actually care. I'm waiting for the independent analysis on IPA personally. I hope it makes a dent. its the only proposal so far thats designed to be interoperable. If the privacy guarantees actually hold up and facebook is backing it, there might actually be a dent made in terms of improving normie privacy and google, apple, etc would be forced to implement it once it becomes a standard

Yeah I'm thinking 5oy. Dillo is better

Attached: chadillo.png (128x128, 25.86K)

Lol I'm still blocking ads, fuck em.

Who cares, you should run an ad blocker at your router/fw and when mobile your devices should vpn into your home network to use the same

>google tries to do it
>firefox and facebook try to do it

I will choose the system not developed by one of the biggest privacy violators

Attached: 1620920015814.jpg (250x178, 5.64K)

Google tried this and people went insane.

Surf at least has nigger script support and actually works although
Eh well. At least it's a lot faster than anything else.

I switched to Firefox this year and I think I am going back to Chromium, at least there is 1 devil while mozilla/google/facebook are now 3 devils in one.