Whats the ubuntu of the BSDs

Whats the ubuntu of the BSDs
i.e. what just werkz

Attached: devil25255B125255D.gif (400x344, 35.06K)

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FreeBSD. It just werks. Shame about the developers. OpenBSD is pretty good to if you have supported hardware. NetBSD is the most portable but usually ports of it to obscure hardware are half done. You'll get a basic terminal and not much else. Have fun finishing it.

None of the desktop distros are really worth it. They're just FreeBSD packaged together with a DE port. The BSDs aren't like Linux distros. They're an entire OS+spec by default. Just grab what you need from ports after you get it booted.

FreeBSD is what you want if you want
>wine support
>Linux emulation support
>Virtual machine hardware passthru


fpbp /thread


It would be nice if NetBSD shipped more than CTWM, but at least it does the job extremely well

Nooooooo, why would you stab Tux D:

BSD is worthless until it has proper VFIO support.

FreeBSD if you don't know what you're doing
OpenBSD if you do know what you're doing
NetBSD if you're a turbo autist

Check out ghostbsd, hello systems, and nomadbsd if you want a freebsd distro with a desktop out of the box. I think pcbsd is dead now

no love for DragonFly?

dick measuring contest for the most obscure os

there's no contest

Attached: 0.png (992x310, 125.63K)

Isn't VFIO mostly used to play video games? That's not what people use BSD for.

weren’t freebsd going so far as to disable security patches to maintain backwards compatibility with hopelessly outdated trash browsers that doesn’t support tls 1.2?

No, maybe you're thinking of them maintaining support for old SSH clients. I don't think they rejected any security patches though, unless you mean the patches that disabled the old SSH protocols.

I’m talking about this
see last paragraph in the archived link

>I’m talking about this
that makes no sense.
those are about ssl, not ssh.

I’m just going to assume you’re merely pretending

do tell.
SSH does not use SSL/TLS.

Neither of your links demonstrate that FreeBSD "disables security patches". Instead, they show that FreeBSD actively patches OpenSSL and publishes security advisories about OpenSSL bugs when they are found.

The last paragraph that you direct attention to does not show FreeBSD "disabling security patches", and does not involve "outdated trash browsers". FreeBSD applied all of the patches that fix bugs, and did not apply the one that disabled an old protocol (SSLv2). They did this because it's wrong to remove functionality in a security patch release.

By the time of this patch, FreeBSD 9 was nearing the end of its support, and FreeBSD 10 had been available for more than two years. Anyone who wanted to stay on top of the latest versions had plenty of opportunity to do so. At this time, the latest release version of FreeBSD had in fact disabled SSLv2 support. I agree with their decision to not break existing programs through the security patch channel. Admins should feel comfortable applying their OS security patches knowing that it won't break their production server.