Being a LOW IQ coder

I often get fast-tracked thru interviews. When I speak to eng managers & recruiters, they immediately recognize my skill.
It's frustrating... I'm good at my job, but I'm mostly surrounded by people who are smarter than me. I have way higher EQ and communications skills, so I'm respected at all my jobs. I get a lot done, more than people expect for someone with my years/experience/title. So I always get promoted.
But it just fucking sucks being in an industry where it helps to have a super high IQ, and my IQ is just "above average".
In this world, I might as well be stupid.
It feels like all the time, I'm surrounded by people who are *noticeably* smarter than me. On this board too...
Sometimes I wonder, "how the hell did I get here? And how am I still here?" in regards to how I'm doing the same job as my coworkers, and yet my coworkers are all noticeably smarter than me.
They can solve algorithms much quicker than I can. I'll get stumped, and they won't.
Sometimes I'll get lost in conversations that they're tracking in confidently.
Is it just me? Am I the only "average intelligence" engineer working in software?
This is like some kinda weird almost-torture where I'm surrounded by people smarter than me, and I'm just smart enough to realize they're smarter, but not smart enough to bridge the gap and meet them at their "smart people" plane of existence.
I just don't get it... "I dunn code so guuuud...." but at the same time, I've gotten tons of shit done, proposed new projects and initiatives, gone WAY above and beyond what my role entails (for example, I get stuck on niche GUI team, but then I end up doing infrastructure work, docker+kubernetes, aws, backend coding, database design, making infrastructure proposals (end carrying them to fruition)).. I'm *not* "stupid" or "bad at my job".
I'm just... the least intelligent person in the room, most of the time.
>1/2 (continued...)
ITT: intelligence inadequacies in software engineering

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>this was the 1st part of the post but i had to shave off 1000 characters and it was less relevant to OP soo....
>panel interview with FAANG
>1st coding interview goes well
>2nd coding interview, run out of time but 90% there, interviewer is satisfied
>3rd coding interview, last interview of the day
>"implement this common asynchronous control flow data structure from scratch"
>get it pretty quickly, "ok but that's wrong"
>struggle to understand what the not-same-accent-or-race-as-me interviewer is trying to communicate
>he can't sit and let me stew, has to offer "help" every 20 seconds
>problem is legitimately difficult for me, can't solve it while listening to his "clues" and "help"
>"well, you should know, in our interview question selection, this is classified as an "easy" problem"
>"but you can always go look it up on the internet"
>"I apologize, my communication earlier might've made the problem unclear"
1. yes, that's true
2. but also, im just not that smart.
Even if the interviewer had communicated clearly, I'm just not that good at algorithms.

Attached: homer_coder_2.jpg (480x360, 15.32K)

The fact that you could even get a job means you're already better than 90% of "coders"


you talk like a faggot and your shit's all fucked up

I'm usually on the "higher IQ" (My IQ is not especially high, but it's high in the relevant domains) side of things and when it comes down to it people don't want to talk to me and I don't want to talk to them so people who handle the social side of things are useful in just gluing the team together.

Just do what I did and get hired at a company where you're the only one who knows programming.

i cant think of words fast enough to have a real time conversation so consider yourself lucky

Thanks you guys make me feel better
I'm just gonna keep working until I have enough savings to live off of investments, and then retire.
There aren't any rules saying I need to be smart to not work for a living
Course, if I were smarter, I could get there faster, but whatever

>i'm competent and respected and not an insufferable spergburger but i still hate myself because my coworkers pulled slightly better numbers in the genetic lottery
holy mother of humblebrag


you sound like a diversity hire

>Sometimes I wonder, "how the hell did I get here? And how am I still here?" in regards to how I'm doing the same job as my coworkers, and yet my coworkers are all noticeably smarter than me.
Same, but this is the path we chose, didn't we? You can always become a smartass among midwits.

I wouldn't stress to much. I'm higher on the iq side of things (140) but I honestly have a hard time tracking conversations, especially if I haven't been in that part of the code for awhile.

im a caucasian jew so.....
>slightly better
I've tried to hang out with various engineer coworkers before and sometimes their jokes just go straight over my head, the IQ gulf is that wide
I've also found my way into groups of people in social events (like my unicycling club) where I find myself chatting w/ people who are significantly more intelligent, like more intelligent than the coworkers I have who are *already* smarter than me... At that point, I imagine I must just be like some kind of cute pet animal type of thing to them. "nice to have around" but not something they'd seriously consider in any regard
don't worry im still an insufferable spergburger on Any Forums
im basically almost-banned on a certain thread on Any Forums where they've had it up to "here" with my bipolar insanity posting (I'm not actually bipolar, but also probably not 100% sane)

Fuck that gotta do w me?


most of these developers are cunts, just by being decent at coding and not being a social retard you will be fine.

>low IQ
>fell for le learn to code meme
shit b8 m8

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If you're "not good at algorithms" then study algorithms it's not hard

or algorithms will study (You)