Why is it so powerful?

Why is it so powerful?

Attached: 1200px-Neovim-mark.svg[1].png (1200x1463, 61.21K)

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yeah why? you'll never need all the stuff it can do, that's when i realized i was just wasting time and switched to micro

>Why is it so powerful?
Lua (thanks Brazilbros)

Attached: brazilian_beach_butts_31.jpg (700x700, 80.8K)

this kills the negrovimmers
>:w !sudo tee %

Attached: 1570187971625.gif (374x400, 99.68K)

Why would you even do that?

Pretty disappointing ass for Brazil desu.


For me, it's LunarVim.

Attached: lunarvim_logo.png (1025x597, 88.66K)



Because they have nice website and project managers younger than 80 yo

For me its VSCodium since I don't deal with bullshit, do actual work that earns me money.

the best extensions are written by the chinese
for example COC

to save files that require root permission
the solution in neovim? use github.com/lambdalisue/suda.vim

It's funny how you can use vim for decades and still learn something new.

>I'm good, because I wagecuck.

works on my machine
t. doas nopass chad

COC is for cock-sucking faggots, use LSP

give me a brainlet proof way to use LSP in neovim without spending hours. I need it for typescript and react

Honestly made me think about switching back

Attached: 1643738017813.jpg (208x243, 7.88K)

Do you have a moment to talk about Emacs?

Attached: emacs.png (270x273, 51.02K)

Install Emacs.

lmao faggot still moving hands from homebrew

Use LunarVim. They already figured out how to set that up on neovim.