Literally can't do anything serious without at least 5 crates

>literally can't do anything serious without at least 5 crates

Attached: rust.jpg (276x262, 32.95K)

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In zig, this is just
var zig_minor_version: u32 = 9;
var rusticity: u32 = 41;
while (zig_minor_version > 0) : ({zig_minor_version -= 1;})
rusticity += 1;
print("Rusticity levels at {}%!\n", .{rusticity});

What did you expect for the people who created JavaScript and NPM?

you will fetch hundreds of random crates and you will be happy

>print("Rusticity levels at {}%!\n", .{rusticity});
in python, this is just
print(f"Rusticity levels at {rusticity}%!")

I'll take it over a bloated crusty standard library.

in rust is just
println!("Rusticity levels at {rusticity}%!")

All those functions you have been using from crates, you can of course write them yourself if you feel compelled to avoid dependencies.

This looks better though
fmt.Printf("Rusticity levels at %v!\n", rusticity)

thats not formatted the same way

How so?

>format string parsed at runtime

In zig, this is just
defer anons_shit_opinions();

And now I don't have to care till the thread goes out of scope :)

it has to say 41%! once formatted, which yours does not

yeah this is something i hate about the rust ecosystem, i feel like i have no "real" control of the dependencies.
also MOST crates are just too new to be trusted to be maintained in the future, so not safe to use in production.

what we do is: we use a FEW crates that are already "standardized" as being the ones to use, like "serde" for example
but most of the time we write our bindings ourselves.

we only use rust for internal tools, our main product is still mainly c++ and we dont intend to change that even for new code

>what we do is: we use a FEW crates that are already "standardized"
you use zig + C libraries that have been tested to shit like CURL, zlib, SDL, etc.

>format strings
>runtime reflection
pathetic. even GCC and Clang can at least type check format strings, which really just shows how bad Go is.

I stopped reading there

Stop pretending you are anything special. Every fucking language can shit out C bindings.

What's the difference between crates and
glfw dependencies ("crates") -, Rust's Winit have less dependencies (crates) than glfw. kek.

In Rust you often pull in crates for things that are part of C's standard library. Random number generation and argument parsing, for example.