BitLocker Device Encryption

Does anybody use BitLocker Device Encryption to hide their porn? How effective is it?

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Just delete all of it bro. You dont need it.
user please. Porn is harmful.
Look up easypeasymethod

yeah but i dont have any porn

anything is effective if you are hiding it from people living in your house. It's highly unlikely your relatives will ever investigate your video thumbnail cache.
If you are hiding it from law enforcement, fuck off. you are the reason advocating for privacy can be attacked by the muh pedos argument.

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I'm not a pedo I just need to encrypt a drive for regular porn because HR informed us that they may be going through our company laptops because some chucklefuck downloaded some ransomware.

The dopamine rush I get from viewing porn is unironically the only joy I find in life.
What are you encrypting for?

>downloading porn on company property

How else am I supposed to get through my day at work? Have some empathy.

because security larping is fun


Using encrypted containers for years. Effective in hiding it from anybody.

no i dont keep porn on windows LUL. afaik windows cant open luks headers and barely can even open ext4 without doing network trickery (for local drive KEK)

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any encryption is effective against normies

OK. depends on what kind of inspection will it go through. I hope you know if you delete a file it still exists on the drive unless the sectors are overwritten. in other words if you move your files to an encrypted directory or whatever, they will still exist in their original location. You have to fill up your drive to the max to get rid of it.
Secondly, storing sensitive data outside of fully encrypted OSes is a bad idea because even if the files themselves are encrypted, it will still leave residue in non encrypted folders. I'm talking about search index databases, thumbnail cache, registry, media player cache etc etc. You have to get rid of all of those as well.
And lastly, storing anything like that on a company laptop is retarded as said because they could be a minefield of survaillence software and "audit policies" cranked to the max. There is a nonzero chance they already know about your porn collection.

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Thank you for all the input.

i use it on my thinkpad because niggers. bios is also locked up so it can only boot windows without the passphrase.

It’s backdoored. LUKS is the only viable choice for cute and funny content.

>You have to fill up your drive to the max to get rid of it.
cant you just shred and zero out individual files and delete those. they'd be corrupted on sectors then

With HDDs maybe. With SSDs it's near impossible to target specific sectors from userspace because of the wear levelling and caching it does.

unironically touch grass and get a hobby

I go to the gym too but nothing beats the excitement of looking at fresh porn everyday.

>Linux user is pedophile
like pottery

how about going to the bar and flirting with women thirsty for sex?

I already have a gf who gives me sex. I'm a porn addict due to being on the internet for close to 3 decades and growing up on Any Forums and the likes.

If you are a porn addict while having a girlfriend, it means your girlfriend is ugly as fuck. You just outed yourself lol

She's great I just can't stop looking at porn to see other girls doing depraved things she isn't open to doing with me.