How can we build a Dyson Sphere?

How can we build a Dyson Sphere?

Attached: hitler_alien.jpg (585x441, 33.92K)

We can't at this point in time

Step 1: Realize that scifi thought experiments are not, in fact, reality and stop pushing for utterly retarded bullshit.
There is no step 2.

there aren't enough resources on a planet 109 times smaller than the sun

Order a bunch of vacuums and some glue.

they can't even cover Sahara with solar panels, dyson sphere is not a possibility for a long time.

>How can we build a Dyson Sphere?
its literally not worth capitalizing on in 2022 because you'll either be run out of business by trolls, or else outright murdered if you bring something to market that "shifts paradigms" too fast. if you make a breakthrough in physics/electronics/etc, its better to just develop it for your own personal uses and let this shithole empire rot

eh, you could pretty much surround the sun with statite solar arrays by deconstructing just mercury

Melt down some iron core moon/plane with nukes and then use it to 3d print the dyson sphere

do start with flatten earth with concrete plating

We could just farm them on other planets, we would be transporting them anyways.

One thing they never say is how they would transfer that energy they get from the sun?

it not important
Dyson Sphere self-worth

just live in the dyson sphere.

Seriously, how would you make use of all that energy, if you can't even transfer it out to anywhere?


This. The physical limitations of the wires would render it ineffective.

Yes, it is

mine Bitcoin, then buy energy anywhere it need

Maybe we could reflect light through giant satellites?

We should build a Tyrone Sphere and imprison all niggers there.