"Proficient: C++" on resume

> "Proficient: C++" on resume
> "Hmm, 'std::string'? Thats weird, on Leetcode I can just do 'string'"
> "Sorry, I'm not really sure what an iterator is, I just copied that begin() end() stuff from stack overflow"
> "Call stack vs heap memory? That's easy! You see, a stack and a heap are two very different datastructures. A heap lets you get the biggest/smallest value, while a stack gets the last value you put in"
> "Dangling pointer? Wouldn't the garbage collector take care of that?"
> if (conditionA()) {while (conditionA()) { doThing();}}

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It doesn't matter, they'll all shitpost most of the time a year after they're hired anyway.

We really need a standardized process to evaluate coding proficiency

>standardized process to evaluate coding proficiency
you're retarded OP is literally what happens with standardized processes.
we need subjective interviews conducted by real programmers to weed out larps

Yep, this seems to be the only way unfortunately. Even degrees from a "prestigious school" don't really seem to mean much. Some of them aren't even bad programmers in memory managed languages, they just know nothing about C++ and systems, but they had one class where they blinked an LED with an Arduino, so they put C++ on their Resume.

I spend most of my time programming in C++, but it's Qt C++
I'm almost certain I'm gonna get called into an interview someday, this exact thing is going to happen, and I'll look like a retard

>Call stack vs heap memory
I have no idea what you're talking about sir, there's not a line about "call stack" or "heap memory" in the C++ standard.

Hmm, maybe I'm being to hard on them. Would you be able to splice out part of a vector in an interview? Or explain why sometimes you need to use the "new" keyword?

Begone Pytard

My most recent interview for an entry level position makes me think they're starting to doing something like this. I got sent to testgorilla where they could see how I typed out my code and the team picked through it together. I'm pretty sure I got 25% of the assessment wrong but they moved me forward anyway, probably because they preferred how I worked.

Good morning sirs

We need a standardized evaluation process because right now proficiency on resumes is self-declared. The examination process should be made by proficient programmers.

I'm just saying a come into an interview with no stl experience claiming I know C++ and I'll look like a tool

STL is shit, write your own functions

Using libraries is a form of digital cuckoldry

> Just melt sand to make your own processor
> Using premade chips is a form of digital cuckoldry

Making chips requires immense amounts of equipment, money, expertise, and manpower

Writing a dynamic array class requires only a non-nigger brain and 30 minutes of time

>no degree
>had no experience and lucked my way into first software gig
>have crippling imposter syndrome for most of my young career
>ok, senior dev now, time to start interviewing people
What the fuck is going on with bootcampers and undergrads?? I spent my entire young career thinking I was a mong and then I interview people that barely understand stack vs. heap, or recursion.
Baffling. Truly baffling.

>bro just reinvent the wheel every project

if (condition1) while (TRUE) {
} else for (i = 3, i < 200; i += 2) if (condition2)

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