

Attached: django.jpg (224x224, 4.5K)

incest with a horse

Fan of the 1966 spaghetti western, not so much about the 2012 tribute.

The only web framework python programmers will ever need

this user gets it.

Attached: you-won.gif (500x200, 911.2K)

On the bright side:
>Great for building & deploying your apps fast. Good Framework.

On the not so bright side:
>Costly servers and bottom-tier performance on par with Ruby On Rail


4.0 and 2.0 are almost identical. Why didn't they keep releasing as 2.x?

but why?

The same reason why Firefox started incrementing whole number version after each new release

to keep up with chrome's retarded versioning?

PHP frameworks are better for small CRUD apps. This piece of shit doesn't even support code on the template, so you have to write frontend logic in the view. And the views are actually controllers but in Django it's called views.
You have to write forms as Python classes then write them again on your templates.
The ORM is abysmal. Doesn't feature proper contain like PHP frameworks do.

It's a piece of shit. Again, for small CRUD apps go with PHP because it allows you to shit out them quickly without bureaucracy.

Whenever they break backward compatibility the update the major number

I'll build and deploy my Django app to Heroku before you even end up coding your Symfony equivalent.

It's heavy, slow, and largely inflexible. It's good for quickly small scale projects and prototypes, but if you seriously want to write a production ready webserver in Python (which in 2022, you should know better by now), you are better off building your own thing out of something like flask + sqlalchemy which actually fits your environment.

You don’t have to build your forms as classes though. What I do is On a test build I use the form class just to see what html it generates, then I copy and paste the form html into an actual template and tweak it from there

Flask, where every component you’ll eventually need is cobbled together from a bunch of unmaintained repos that all dropped support at different versions and themselves rely on specific versions of their own dependencies whos dependency requirements were not maintained and conflict with each other.

Flask isn’t a framework it’s just a url router and fails spectacularly as soon as you need anything more

I don't work with PHP anymore, thank God. I had the displeasure of working with Django for a couple months and we had to switch because it's a POS. A lot of things you have to do feel like workarounds.
For what Django tries to do something like Laravel does way better, and I never even worked with Laravel, but I can tell by just glancing at the docs.
I have experience with CakePHP and Django and I can safely say CakePHP much better for shitting out CRUD.

Then do it in a more appropriate language for the web. I mean, that's not where python shines. It shines in Data Science with the help of C Binding and C libraries that compensate for its horrible performance issues.

>Flask isn’t a framework
Yes, exactly.

Then almost all Node.js frameworks aren't frameworks either. Express, Fastify, Koa. They're on the same category.

Best combo is FastAPI and SQLAlchemy. Just spit out JSON for the frontend React niggers to stick them up their asses and put the data in some bloated form component.

funny because the differences between 1.8 and 1.9 are far larger than any major version after 2. The jump from 1 to 2 is understandable because they dropped Python 2 support.

This nigga knows what's up. Or use strawberry to make front ends cum from using graphql.

The sequel wasn't that bad imo

Yeah express is just a url router

That’s what Django rest framework is for

One of my projects I worked on used Django. We went from using Django + it's template engine to serve static webpages with some javascript, but slowly migrated to using Django entirely as a REST API used by react components.

Our webpages went from loading instantly to needing loading bars on most pages, but at least our code is "modern" now.

So are all the other most used JS frameworks. Still Node is known for fast prototyping. It's as if you don't need frameworks the way you think you do. It's as if FastAPI and Flask were more than enough.

Python is good for just about anything that works well when scripted. Python was a popular sysadmin language before numpy was even a twinkle in some neet’s eye. Django and numpy came out around the same time and both have been hugely popular. Instagram, Pinterest, BitBucket, Disqus, are all Django

Yep, but that’s a front end (react) issue, not dependent on your backend whether Django or other